Chp 3 (Grace)

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Why didn't I get my own car, a cab at this time of the night I'll have to spend the entire night here ohh great it's raining….who the hell is flashing the car light straight on my face…ohh know it's Brian damn it
" Get into the car "
" No way I'll go by cab "
" Get into the car Grace"
" No I'll go walking instead"
" I'm not dying to drive you home,it's raining you will have to spend the entire night here"
" I'll get sick and die rather than going with you "
Why is he coming out of the car
" Leave my hand I'm not going with you "
" You are completely wet get inside"
" No "
His hands moved towards my waist he pulled me close very close and said " I'll have to pick you up and put you into the car miss always right " he lifted me I was on his shoulder fighting to get down but he opened the door and dropped me on the seat
" Put the seatbelt"
" It's 12 and it's raining there are no cars for accidents"
" Put the seatbelt Grace I won't repeat"
" You have no right to tell me what to do "
"You  are way to stubborn "
He held the seat belt slide it through my neck his face was just an inch away from mine we both were all wet I bet he could hear my heart pound his heart was pounding faster than mine, kiss me kiss me
" Don't remove the seatbelt now"
What was I thinking how pathetic would it be
He has no lip balm sunscreen or anything girly in his car I guess he is single well who would date such a Hitler I'm so sleepy should I take a nap
" Here take this pillow"
" I won't sleep in your car "
" I was trying to help we have an early meeting tomorrow I don't want you to screw it up"
" I won't "
" Wake up we reached "
" Never force me into anything it won't be good for you "
" I think you want to say thankyou Brian for the ride"

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