chp 4 (Grace)

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Great the power went off I'll have to take the stairs….I'm so sick of New York..fuckkk
Keys…nono...Amy has the keys…pick up Amy please pick up..and it's official today's night is the worst night of my life. I can't spend the night in the hallway. Brian.fuckkkkkkk. I'll have to do it I have no choice
Please be awake. I hope he doesn't ignore my knock
" What now"
I made the puppy face
" Can I stay at your place tonight please"
He gave me the look like I was some shameless person well he wasn't completely wrong
" Amy has the keys and there is no light either so please"
" Fine but you have to use the couch "
Well I couldn't argue so I just nodded
" Don't make yourself too comfortable this is the last time I'm doing you a favor"
He's rude
" No noise, use earphones, it's my house so it's my rules…"
Damn I'm completely wet I'll have to ask him to lend me some clothes
" Knock "
" I'm in the shower what do you want "
" I need some clothes to change "
" There is a shirt and trousers in the side drawer don't steal anything else "
" I'm not a thief"
The trousers are too loose so I just chose a shirt, there is no light so he won't see anything. It was just when Brian came out of the shower the lights came. The timing couldn't be any bad. He just has a towel on. His muscles have veins and just below his abs the two lines are just pointing straight towards his…well I need to stop staring. His eyes were also going up and down my body. Staring at him I just forgot I only had a shirt on. I could see him staring just like a minute ago I was staring at him. Our eyes met
" You look hot Grace it's being difficult to resist you "
Before I could digest the words he pulled me closer and his hands went under my shirt. I could feel his hand on my waist, my hands were on his bare chest and his lips and mine, ohhhhhhh. The moan. In no time his hands were unbuttoning my shirt he lifted me and placed me on the bed while I opened his towel fuckkkkkk and that's exactly what happened under the sheets I was wrong this was one of the best nights I've ever experienced

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