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The bell rang, and it was recess time.

I was putting my pencil case and ipad into my backpack, and Hoshi threw a paper to me.

I opened.

'Meet me in the parking lots after u ate.'

I sighed, thinking what does this boy wants from me. I simply eat some food and I went to the parking lots as he asked me to.

I saw him smoking in the door beside the elevator, I walked to him "Yah."

He was checking me out, then he exhaled, and put off the cigarette, then put it on the ash tray on top the rubbish bin.

He walk to his car, and he unlock the car door. He open the seat behind, and smiled to me sarcastically, then he came in too.

He shut the door, and look at me.

He put one finger on my chin, and I was staring at him. "What do you want."

Suddenly he locked the car door, and he come close to me.

"Y-yah!" I push him, and he pull my hair and make me go closer to him.

He eyed me his pants, and I gulped.

"Y-You want me to suck you off, now?! In your car? What if people saw-"

He kissed me, caressing my cheek "I know you would do it for me, right?"

I gulped, and hands shaking.

"Nobody will saw us because my car windows was tinted."

He caressed my cheek "Must we do it now?"

"Yeah, it's an order from me."


He grab my hair and he unzip his pants, making me put his cock into my mouth.

I gagged at the first but he slowly guide me, and I was forced to give him a blowjob.

He groaned, pushing my head deep.

I frowned, and I wrap my hand on his dick, start pumping it.

He was looking at me, I massaged his tip.

He grab my head and begin to go fast.

I place my hand on his thigh, holding tightly and he fasten his hips.

I gagged, then he stopped, I was catching my breath, and he pumped himself, I was staring at him doing his job.

After about 2 minutes, he suddenly push my head back to his tip, and he pumped a little. He cum in my mouth.

I frowned, and he moaned, grunting.

He pull out, and cover my mouth "Swallow it I don't have a tissue paper."

I frowned, and swallow it, then cough because of the bitterness.

He chuckled, and he handed me a piece of mint gum.


I get down from his car leaving him alone, then walked straight away to the washroom and clean my mouth.


I was on my way back to class, and I saw Hoshi was in the hallway flirting with a girl.

I rolled my eyes, seriously, flirting with a girl after asking me to give him a blowjob??

Someone tapped my shoulder, and it was Mingyu.

I smiled to him "H-Hey."

"Noona! Did Seokmin tell you anything?"

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