Chapter Eight: The West Wing

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After dinner, Topsy was leading Jack back to the stairs to his room. But Jack had to ask her something.

"I don't understand why you're all being so kind to me," Jack spoke up, "Surely, you're as trapped here as I am. Don't you ever want to escape?"

"Mistress Maddie is not as terrible as she appears," Topsy explained, "Somewhere deep in her soul, there's a Princess... of a lady who just waiting to be set free."

This was Jack's first time hearing the Dream Demon's name. But he couldn't think about that now. Because there was something else in the castle which had grasped his curiosity.

"Bert mentioned something about the west wing," Jack mentioned, looking up the stairs.

"Never you mind about that," Topsy quickly dismissed, "Off to bed with you, Chaton."

"Good night," Jack made his way up the stairs.

"Nighty-night," Topsy made her way off to the kitchen.

Jack continued up the stairs, seemingly going back to his room. But, once Topsy left, Jack headed straight towards the West Wing. Jack stuck to the shadows as he climbed up the crumbling staircase towards the West Wing. He soon comes to a massive wooden door, left slightly ajar. Opening the door, Jack walked in to see furniture lying in rubble, and curtains shredded, evidence of the Dream Demon's temper. Wary, Jack investigates when his eyes stop at a Royal Portrait. On the portrait were a King, a Queen, and a young Princess. The Princess' face had been slashed with the only surviving part being her brown eyes.

And the King's face had had the same fate, albeit just the left side destroyed. The only surviving member of the portrait was the Queen. Moving on, Jack moved past a large four-poster bed, its faded coverlet gray with dust, like no one has slept in it for years. As Jack continued to explore the West Wing, he found himself close to the balcony, where the rose was being kept under a glass case. Mesmerized, Jack approached the rose. He could see that the rose appeared to be dying, its petals fallen old and rotting below it. Reaching out to touch the glass, a shadow cuts across Jack's face.

Rushing over, Maddie ran over to Jack and the rose, thinking that he might've touched it, she desperately asked what Jack had done to it. Jack explained that he hadn't done anything but Maddie wasn't done with him. Blaming him for almost damning everyone in the castle, she yelled at him to leave. Jack complied, running out of the West Wing. Back downstairs, Bert and Binnacle were playing chess on an upper landing, with the footstool dog, Andrew resting between them. Bert had gotten a checkmate again to which Binnacle claimed that Bert cheated again. But their attention was taken away from their game when they saw Jack running down the stairs.

Bert asked where he was going to which he replied that he was leaving. Binnacle ordered him to stop, blowing a whistle to alert Andrew to chase after him and gain the attention of everyone else. Andrew jumped up and starts after Jack. Jack barreled down the main staircase, Andrew in close pursuit. Andrew stopped in front of Jack, stopping him from going down the stairs. But Andrew thought it was playtime, which earned him a scolding from Binnacle and Topsy. Andrew then ran out of a little door, revealing a way out after all the doors and windows had been barred shut.

Jack ran towards the now open door, able to fit through the door. Bert called out to Jack, saying that it was too dangerous to go outside. But Jack was already long gone. Jack climbed onto Philippe's back and started to ride off into the forest. The two race through the woods, Jack looking back to see if Maddie followed him. But all he sees is wolves chasing him and Philippe. He and Philippe continue to race through the forest, hoping to escape the hungry wolves. But a few appeared in front of them, stopping Jack and Philippe from going any further. But, Philippe turns a different way, hoping to escape the wolves. But the wolves only follow, not ready to let their prey escape again.

But Philippe slows down as he reaches a frozen lake, unable to steadily keep on running on the slippery ice. Philippe reared twice, allowing one of the wolves to jump on his back and get to Jack. But he jumps off and grabs a nearby branch, using it to fight off the wolves. Jack swung his branch as the wolves lunge at him, their bared teeth like razors. He beat them away. As he turns to confront another, it bites the branch clean out of his hands. Behind him, a wolf who was obviously the alpha stares at him, preparing to pounce and claim his meal. But, just as it does, something else bats it out of the way. It was Maddie, armed with only her claws. Another wolf charged at her, knocking her back and disarming her claws.

Maddie grabbed the wolf by the neck, aiming to not get bitten by the beast. One bit at her leg but Maddie took her baritone that she also had on her to hit it on the neck and swing it away from her. She also threw the one she had grabbed by the neck. Now stood up, Maddie grabbed her claws as more wolves ran to attack her. It was the alpha. The alpha wolf jumped onto Maddie's back and went for her neck. Maddie stood up, taking the alpha by its mouth and throwing it across the frozen lake. Maddie stood upright, trying to look big and scare the alpha away. Maddie yelled out, scaring the alpha wolf who retreated.

The other wolves followed. As the wolves fled, Maddie turned back to Jack to ensure he was alright. Jack was unharmed, staying near Philippe, still scared by Maddie. Tired and in pain, Maddie dropped her claws and collapsed to the ground. Taking the opportunity, Jack was ready to mount Philippe and ride off. But he hesitated. Maddie had just saved his life. Despite being angry at him just a few minutes ago, she actually came to save him. Maybe Topsy was right. Maybe she wasn't as terrible as she appeared. Giving her a chance, Jack took off his cloak and put it over Maddie. Feeling the cloak on her, Maddie looked up at Jack surprised.

"You have to help me..." Jack whispered to her, "You have to stand..."

Getting the strength to do so, Maddie stood up and, with help from Jack, got on Philippe's back. Jack guided the two back to the castle. Back where it was safe.

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