Im sorry, Crystal

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I was lying on the bed still, Gustav and Georg have left but bill was still here he was lying down next to me and stroking my hair I felt comfortable for once then we heard screaming coming from downstairs bill and me shot up out of bed and ran downstairs to see what was happening when I saw a girl that looked like Crystal she had strawberry blonde long hair 5'4 but I couldn't see her face because her head was down and Tom was dragging her to the living room then Tom got to the living room he called us all down so me and bill went that's when I saw her my face went even more pale and my mouth was on the floor it was Crystal I could recognise those green eyes from anywhere but she was crying and didn't look at us Crystal was shaking and was pale like she had seen a ghost my poor Crystal was now stuck here like I was. I looked up at bill who didn't seem to be bothered about this like it was normal I whispered into bills ear

"That's Crystal my best friend we moved here together"

Bills face went pale like mine and Crystal's face he looked sad and like he was lost for words then he spoke up

"I'm sorry"

His words really shocked me I didn't expect him to say I'm sorry but at the same time it scared me I was lost in thought of what might happen to Crystal what's when I decided to say something to Crystal

"Crystal is that u?"

of course I knew it was Crystal I just wanted her to look at me to know that she isn't alone. Crystal looked up at me and started to cry even more Tom looked at me confused and I looked pissed

Crystal "Octavia what are u doing here, I've been looking all over the city for u and you've been here I was so worried about u"

when she said that it made me cry as well then I walked over to Crystal and sat on the sofa with her and we both cried and hugged each other the tears were happy and sad happy because we've seen each other again and sad because we are stuck here

Octavia "I'm sorry Crystal so much has happened I...I"

I was lost for words I didn't want to tell her that I got raped and I didn't want to tell her that he cut me or that he killed a girl in front of me or that I tried to kill my self just 20 minutes ago I didn't want her to know anything about him but at the same time I did I want her to know what a monster he is and I want her to be careful but even tho I was he still killed Lisa in front of me he still raped me he still hit Mia he still cut me

Crystal "why didn't me...?"

I was shocked I didn't know what to say no words came out my mouth it was like I was frozen in place

Crystal " why aren't u saying anything?"

I felt trapped like I couldn't breathe then I managed to speak

"I'm sorry"

Crystal looked at me in anger she was upset and worried and all I could say was I'm sorry

Tom "right that's enough talking from u to Crystal come with me right now"

when Tom said that I looked at Crystal she had only anger in her eyes and face she looked up at him


I wasn't surprised Crystal screamed at Tom I mean she has always had a temper on her and if u push Crystal hard enough then she won't think twice swinging for u, Tom looked at her with Anger and went to grab her but Crystal kicked bite punched and slapped him

Crystal "PUT snap ME bite DOWN kick"

she bite he neck but he still didn't put her down and he was heading for the bedroom I was scared I didn't know what was going to happen to my best friend so I got up and ran to Tom


as I said that Tom turned around with a evil smirk on his face and didn't say anything just slapped me I fell to the floor and I was crying my cheek was burning and Crystal looked even more angry now she punched him and said


Tom didn't say anything just took Crystal up to the bedroom


as Tom was carrying me upstairs he didn't say anything and he didn't do anything I was punching bitting kicking and slapping him but he didn't do anything then we came to a room he opened the door and threw me on the bed I got up right away and ran to the door but he locked it and turned back to me

Tom "remember the rules I told u in the car u disobey my orders and u get punished, well now it's time for your punishment"

when he said that i thought wait I didn't disobey the orders I just thought back and hit him

Crystal "I didn't disobey the orders I just thought back"

as I said that a smirk appeared on my face and in one heart beat he slapped me across the face I fell to the floor and he picked me up by my throat I was terrified but I wasn't going to show him that. he threw me against the wall and learned in closer to me face

Tom "let this be a warning"

I was ready to say something back but before I could he pulled out a knife now I was really scared

Crystal "no please don't do this to me please "

I said it so fast that I needed to take a big breath in after that but I couldn't he already had me gasping for air the air I couldn't get

Tom "maybe if u didn't hit me then this wouldn't be happening"

I was silent not wanting to say anything and what does he mean by (maybe) then Tom got the knife and slowly slid it along my wrist I cried out a little from the pain and I looked down to see the blood dripping from my wrist he had cut me deep and at that moment everything went black

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