time to run

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as me and Bill was sitting there just watching everyone walk fast and admiring the lights of the city. I looked at Bill

Octavia "I have to go and find Crystal"

I needed to stick to the plan and get out of here with her but at the same time I didn't want to leave Bill

Bill "okay, will u race with me after u have found Crystal"

his voice was soft and calming I didn't want to leave Bill but I had to for Crystal

Octavia "yes of course I will"

as I was about to get out bill stopped me by pulling me in for a kiss I kissed him back and then got out the car, as I was walking over to Tom's car I saw Crystal looking disgusted and pissed then I saw Tom staring at me he had that same lustful face before he raped me and I knew it wasn't good, I looked back Crystal to see her looking at me now she got out the car and came over to me

Crystal "what was that in the car with Bill?"

She sounded pissed and I was shocked not knowing what to tell her I just looked at the ground not making eye contact with her I was ashamed that she saw that and I was scared because she has never really got angry with me

Octavia "I'm sorry Crystal but I love bill and u know I have never loved a man before"

her face softened and she looked sad Crystal didn't say anything to me just I was curious and worried of what she was thinking then she spoke

Crystal "so does that mean the plan is over?"

I was silent for a second thinking of what we should do then it came to mind I can't be selfish just because I have fallen in love we both need to get out of here

Octavia "no, we are still going with the plan"

Crystal looked happy her face lit up with joy and excitement from being free of Tom and his gang

Crystal "your the best, now we have to figure out a way to not get into the cars with them"

I thought to myself that I would be easy for me because Bill let's me do what I want and doesn't say anything about it but it won't be easy for Crystal because we have to do everything Tom tells us to so I thought about just running now but as I looked over to my left I saw tom walking towards us and Crystal followed my gaze to tom as well we both looked at each other and before we knew it tom was standing over us looking down

Tom "what are u tow talking about?"

I was scared and didn't know what to say then Crystal spoke up

Crystal "I was wondering if I can stay here because I feel really sick and I don't want to throw up in your car"

I was surprised she could come up with an excuse that quickly but played along

Tom "and what about u Octavia, what was u talking about?"

I didn't know what to say I couldn't think of anything I just stayed silent until Crystal spoke for me

Crystal "she was wondering if she could stay here with me so I'm not alone"

I was happy that Crystal can come up with excuses that quick because I would be stuck

Tom "okay I will allow u tow to stay here but only this once"

me and Crystal looked at each other with happiness and our faces lit up then Tom left and we went to the side away from the road we watched as Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg all talked Bill kept on looking at me and Crystal was looking at Gustav I noticed

Octavia "do u think Gustav is hot or something?"

I asked her not expecting Crystal to answer me back

Crystal "no, I was just thinking to myself how funny it looks because he's just short one"

I looked as well and realised that he was the short one but it didn't look funny because he was taller then most men here

Octavia "he is the short one but not funny because he's taller then most men here"

I said that feeling sorry for Gustav because Crystal is brutally honest and doesn't hold back when it comes to telling the truth

Crystal "yea but Tom, bill and Georg are all taller then him"

I was thinking to myself that this conversation was getting boring so I decided to ask her if she wanted to go to the club that was behind us

Octavia "do u wanna go to the club?"

I asked hopping she would say yes

Crystal "oh my god yes let's go I need a drink after all this"

I was surprised she said yes but over the moon at the same time

Octavia "okay let's go"

As me and Crystal was walking to the club we got stopped by Bill

Bill "where are u tow going?"

Octavia "to the club, why?"

I was curious on why he wanted to know because most the time he wouldn't even talk to me at home

Bill "Tom wanted to know"

Ahh so that's why he asked but if Tom wanted to know then why didn't he come here and ask us himself

Crystal "okay well tell Tom that I'm getting a drink to help my stomach"

I looked at Crystal now starting to think there was something wrong with her stomach

Bill "ok"

Crystal "bye"

Octavia "bye"

Before bill walked off he kissed me on the forehead me and Crystal looked at each other and then shrugged it off, we walked into the club there are light everywhere and music so loud that it could burst my eardrums. Crystal and me got the bar and ordered our drinks I got a vodka coke and Crystal got sex on the beach we drank danced and laughed before I knew it me and Crystal was shit faced and we was in the back of a car we didn't know who's car it was all that was happened was me and Crystal laughing our heads off then we got to the house and walked in I saw bill and Tom sitting on the sofa I walked to bill just fell flat on my face so ended up crawling to him I sat on his lap and Crystal was on Tom's then me and Crystal looked at each other then we looked at Bill and Tom and before we knew it we was both making out with Bill and Tom Crystal was kissing Tom and I was kissing bill I looked around to see Gustav with Lauren kissing and Georg with a blonde girl Mia was just sitting there and watching all this happened then Tom picked up Crystal and took her to his room then Bill picked me up walking past Mia and we went to Bill's room he put me on the bed and we started kissing he took off his belt and just as he was about to take off his jeans we heard Crystal moaning and screaming in pleasure she was also banging on the wall me and bill busted out laughing then I took off my shirt and bill did the same then I took off his jeans and bill took of my jean shorts and now he was on top of me his put his dick inside me and I moaned from pain and pleasure he started thrusting inside me and I was moaning the amount of pleasure that was going through my body was almost overwhelmed but it felt so good I got on top of bill and started riding him he groaned and then I released on him and he came inside me I got off and we was lying there I could still hear Crystal but I was to tired to pay attention I just went to sleep

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