Chapter three

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He put his hand on the wall and handed me the sharpie. " Will you trace my hand?"
I took the sharpie and traced his hand carefully. When I finished it he took it back and traced my hand on the wall.
"There now we updated the our forever special place."
I nodded my head.
I looked up at him. All of a sudden I realized how close together we were.
"You have really pretty eyes." Fletcher said quietly.
I smiled for the millionth time today. Why did he have this affect on me.
Befor today I almost never smiled.
He made me feel like there was something stuck in my chest.
He complicated everything.
I'm not supposed to be happy. I mean everyone leaves. What if he leaves?
I started breathing fast.
Oh god not this again.
I was having a panic next t
I shook my head no.
" What's wrong?" He asked with panic in his voice.od.
I shoved my notebook into his arms. He read it and threw it to the floor.Breathe. In. Hold . Breathe. Out .
It took a little while but my breathing finally slowed down
"Are you okay now?" Fletcher asked.
He was sitting me now.
I nodded my head yes.
I hated ahi ing one of those. Especially in front of people.
Fletcher hugged me.
Oh god
Physical contact.
Wait it wasn't all that bad.
What am I saying
I hate this
But he so warm and he smells good
" I'm glad your okay." He said letting go.

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