Chapter 2

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"Addison... Wake up it's already 11:00."
Groggily I opened my eyes. Had I already slept that long.
Alexa was standing next to my bed.
"There's someone here to see you." She said smiling.
Who could be here to see me? It's not like I knew anybody here. Quickly I hopped out of bed and got dressed. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a Jack Skeleton t-shirt. I'd forgotten that you could still see the scars on my arms but I figured that if I didn't make it too noticeable that they wouldn't notice.
I grabbed my note book and pencil and headed tot the bathroom t o brush my hair quick. I haven't cut. I in a few years so it was pretty long. I had dyed the ends black last summer. My hair was naturally wavy and so it was frizzy most of the time.
I really didn't feel like doing anything with it so I just brushed it and raced down stairs.
In the next room heard Alexa talking to someone. I pressed my ear to the wall so I could hear.
"....and she doesn't talk. She just writes down what she want tot say on. A piece of paper.
I walked into the room and Alexa stood up
"There you are. Addison this is Fletcher. " a boy about my age stood up and smiled.
He had brown hair that most covered his bright blue eyes, tan skin a and he was pretty tall. His outfit surprised me the most. He had on a Good Charlotte t-shirt and black skinny jeans.
He waved at me. "Uhh hey I'm Fletcher."
I scribbled into my notepad.
"So she said"
"When you lived here you and Fletcher used to play. He lives next door." Alexa explained.
"That was 11 years ago." I wrote.
"Well yes but I thought maybe you'd like a friend." She said. "He said he was willing to show you around the town if you'd like."
Anything was better than staying here. I mean I didn't even have to talk to him.
I nodded my head yes. I could feel Fletcher staring at me. I caught his gaze and he looked down.
" I have to go get my shoes" I wrote her and headed upstairs.
I pulled out my beat up, dirty black high tops. They were a gift from My uncle. He wasn't always nice but he had his moments.
I took a deep breath and walked back down the stairs. Fletcher was already waiting for me at the door.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
I nodded my head yes.
The humid air made me regret wearing skinny jeans but I didn't really have anything else.
A few blocks down Fletcher starts talking.
"I honestly don't remember you either. Alexa called my dad last night and said maybe you needed a friend. So here I am. I think it's cool that you don't talk is there a reason?"
I scribbled quickly and handed the notebook to him.
"It's easier that way."
Fletcher nodded his head.
"Okay I understand I mean some times I don't feel like talking either but then I like to talk a lot too so it's hard for me to stop. Sorry if I talk too much. That's what my parents say. They're like 'you need to slow down and talk not try and fit a whole paragraph I one breath and..."
I smiled. He was cute.
"See what I mean. When I start talking I don't like to stop."
I smiled again.
"That's okay. I'm lie that when I write some times I have to stop and let some one read what I'm saying before I finish. Or that's how it used to be. I really don't do much of anything anymore." I wrote
He read it and I started writing again.
"Where exactly are we going anyway."
" we are going to the tree house your dad made us."
I'd don't remember any tree house.
It took for ages to get there but when we did it was worth it.
The tree house was really big. There was a patio. And it was about the size of a bedroom.
Fletcher went up first. I was scared that maybe it would break or so,etching like collapse so he went up to make sure.
There was a bucket with a string attached so that we could pull things up to the top so I put my notebook I there and started climbing. When I was almost to the top a board broke but Fletcher caught my hand and helped me up.
I went to the bucket he had pulled up and grabbed my note book .
"Thanks" I wrote
Fletcher smiled. He had a dimple on his right cheek.
He pulled me into the tree house.
There were two small hand prints on one wall and I looked at them closer.
I put my hand on one and remembered something.
"There we go. Now you guys can have a special place forever." Said a disembodied voice.
I assumed it was my fathers.
A little Fletcher rubbed his pain ton my cheek.
"Heyy!" I giggled. "That's not fair."
I rubbed the paint from my hand on his nose.
He giggled and ran off. "Oh no I'm. Turning into a smurf."
*end of flashback*
I smiled at the memory. Fletcher was standing next to me.
"Do you remember when we put those there?"
I smiled and scribbled.
"Yeah. I turned you into a smurf."
He laughed.
"Yeah that was fun... Oh and we are going to stay here tonight. I put sleeping bags and blankets here earlier.
I nodded my head.
"Oh hey I almost forgot" he pulled out a sharpie. " I brought this so we could trace our hands over the old ones. I didn't have any paints so I brought this instead."
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