❀twenty one

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"What's happening with him?"

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"What's happening with him?"

Rome asks walking into my room carrying a blue container in his hands "I don't know he's been like that since morning" Brian answers closing the door behind him getting close to me.

"Fra, you good?" Rome asks again,I shake my head putting my phone away, I sit up straight sighing heavily "I'm just a bit fucked" I answer.

"Well...I brought cheese balls" I look at him, well I look at the cheese balls "want one?" He asks again before I can say yes Brian opens the container and takes out one cheese balls.

"They're yummy" he states as he savours it a smile on his stupid face, I look at Rome, his left eye is twitching. This won't be good....

I can't wait to see it.

"Why's your eye moving like that?" Brian obliviously asks taking more cheese balls from the container "I'm going to fucking kill you".

Without further saying,his legs lands on Brian's face sending him flying across the room, he quickly gets up looking confused "tizio......" He smacks him again "how many times do I have to tell you that you need to ask for things, you crazy bastard?"

I move the container close to me and start to eat the cheese balls, this might be just what I need to calm down. They continue hitting each other until Brian apologizes, I groan "it's over?" I ask feeling disappointed

"Shut up" Rome says coming back to the bed breathing heavily "not on my fucking white sheets, the floor's all yours" I tell him sternly, my maids already do a lot in the house, they choose to fight over stupid shit then that's on them.

"So if I was in trouble, would you guys like come help me?" Brian asks moving closer to the bed, he settles his ass on the floor looking at us.

"No" I bluntly tell him "me too" Rome says not even looking at him, he looks at us in disbelief "but I thought we were friends?" I chuckle at his words "okay okay, you can call me-" he smiles in content "-so I can ignore you" he throws a pillow at my face as Rome continues to laugh.

"I hope whatever happens causes you trauma" I laugh at Rome's comment like a mad man making him laugh even harder, he holds his stomach due to the excessive laughing.

"Per l'amor del cazzo" Brian curses out rolling his brown eyes "you guys wanna do something fun?" They both nod in usion making me smile. I grab my shirt from the closet and put on my  sandals "let's go boys"

We exit the room and head to the basement, which is located in the underground of the house. It's a very quiet place and heavily guarded by different security locks and guards.

I open the first lock which can only be opened by my fingerprint, we head inside, after ten more locks we finally reach the desired room.

This place is made by liquid metal alloy is the one thing that is made that's stronger than iron, it's also sound proof so nothing goes in or out.

I turn on the lights.

"H-h-h-ello....who's there, please help me.....get me out.... please"

I chuckle looking at the boys "who's that?" Brian asks going to stand at the corner of the room "he..." I walk next to our victim and take off the plastic bag from his head "...is our favorite class clown".

Jonny looks at me bewildered "Ethan, dude...how are you here.... doesn't matter get me out of here"

I raise my hand and slap him right across the face with extra strength "you're not going anywhere" he starts to squirm on his seat where he's chained at "stop moving you're not going anywhere". He starts to cry begging like a fucking idiot he is for me to let him go.

But no......

He made my lady cry and that's not something I forgive, I tear for a tear but In this case he's going to be crying more than a single tear.

I'm going to make sure he loses his damn mind in this cell, I'll torture him in every way possible.

He thought it was funny to make her cry then I was going to show him what real fun sounds like, I'll break him into little tiny pieces and when I'm done with him, I'll hang his head Infront of his father's house.

That's not extreme right?

Ehhh, it's not, I'm just getting even with him.

I look at the boys behind me with a smile "go crazy boys,I allow it" Rome smirks.

He may look small in size but this fucker is something else, he's a sadistic freak and not in the good way at all.

He grabs a metal pipe and a baseball bat weighing them "which one should I use?" He asks smiling looking at Jonny "we want to have fun first fra" i inform making him sigh "you're no fun"

I chuckle, Brian takes his pocket knife and slowly walks to Jonny "this won't hurt at all" he tears off his shirt and applies spirit on his back "hold still"

He starts carve something on his back with the knife making Jonny cry out in despair, his cries are music to my ears, Rome comes to front and whacks him on the face with a baseball bat.

He spits out blood still crying, I take a bowl of salt and walk to Jonny "give me a sec" I tell Brian, he stops....I take some salt and starts to apply it on his fresh carved wound, I can't explain the happiness I felt hearing him scream like that.

I fucking felt alive.

I move away from him and go sit on the chair by the corner of the room, I put my leg on top of the other.

"Please carry on boys"

"Please carry on boys"

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