Unsettling Realizations

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Hi, its me Joe Biden writing about how I changed, I formed into my true self not as Joe Biden but as Jessica Biden, come with me on a tale of how I fought against prejudice, homophobia and near exile from what I thought was an inclusive society, I hope you are not only entertained but learn something about what it is like to be a transgender person.

It was just another day in the white house, I was listening to a young girl, near 10 describe what it was like to change from a male to female and it really moved me, I deliberated on how it moved me so much but not like it moved everyone else. I could almost relate to it, almost like I was in a similar situation to her? But no I am still a man. I'm Joe Biden for god's sake, no matter what this girl thinks she does not know anything about me. Just then the door flew open "Mr President sir" oh boy here we go again. The press secretary who had let myself in without permission interrupted my thoughts. Oh yes she was still talking "Mr President sir, sorry but your lunch is ready and they want to know if you are eating or not". She apologised and ran off, I decided it was time to get up and follow her down to the mess hall which was on the ground floor of the west wing where most members of staff worked.

Lunch was uneventful, the same old shit as always. There were so many things that I just wanted to get up and leave the building, I knew that this place had become toxic with my cabinet turning on me for no apparent reason. I don't get it, I know that there are people out there who will use me, take my presidency and run off with it but I also know that the president needs to be accountable and not afraid to express their true opinions to the press. That is why I do what I do, I always speak out and express my opinions.I sat and reflected on my situation. It was like I was the one who was doing the same thing to my cabinet, I knew they wanted to see me go, I am the president of the United States for fucks sake, how could they not see how hard I'm working? How hard I am trying to bring people together? To keep the United States in check? They're just jealous, I am a great president, I just know it despite any internal struggles. 

*A few days later

"Mr President what do you feel on the increase in those damn transgenders and how can we cure those people?"I was shocked that someone would speak in such a way about a young girl or boy, no matter the political statement. "Well I believe that people should be allowed to be whoever they wish to be, we are the USA of course, the most free country in the world. I suggest next time you consider how possibly their change in gender affects you at all and maybe try to focus on actual issues." I stung back, shocking the crowd into a near silence.I made my way through the halls of the west wing of the white house to my private office. I need to figure out what to do, what should I do? I know that I am a man, but I also know that I have always been feeling slightly uncomfortable in this male body. I decided to take a walk to clear my thoughts, maybe even a smoke and maybe just be alone. I walked out the door and onto the west lawn, people were walking up and down the lawn. 

I found a bench and sat, took out a cig and lit up."Smoking is a dangerous and nasty habit sir!" I turned my head, to see a young black woman staring at me. She was dressed in a business suit with the word "police" written on her chest. She looked to be in her mid-20s."It's ok, it's just me and you, don't worry. I've smoked my whole life, I think I'm ok." I sighed and took another puff. "Just don't worry, I'm the president, you are only a young girl who can't do anything to me." I smirked as she looked at me in a shocked fashion. "What?" I laughed to myself and continued smoking. "Just you wait, one day I will be a man again, and then I will do whatever the fuck I want!" I was now laughing at this young girl who was looking at me, the president of the United States, laughing at her.I looked at her again, she had curly hair, big brown eyes and a lovely figure. She was a young black girl, no doubt in her teens but I did not know which one. "You may go now, you don't need to stand around here any more, just go." 

I waved my hand in the air, motioning for her to go. She ran off, away from the bench I was sat on and into the building. As she darted off I considered how I was acting, and considered how terribly I felt in my current state. I looked around the west lawn, it was near deserted as I was still a little early for work. I knew that the west wing was almost deserted before it became this way, it was an amazing building, a building that I felt pride in. I felt like the person who helped build that building was a real man, not just a "clown" as the press liked to call me."Mr Biden sir, your staff are waiting for you." I was startled out of my thoughts, the voice of one of the people who worked for me, coming through a megaphone."Tell them I will be down in a minute!" I shouted back, wanting to be left alone with my thoughts, I wanted to enjoy my cig. 

I puffed on the cig, looking around the west lawn of the White House. The lawn was quite flat, so the view of the white house from the west lawn was very nice. The building itself is like a big circle with a bunch of smaller buildings around it, the buildings around it have various different purposes. The biggest building is the White House and is where the President works."Mr Biden sir, they're all waiting for you. Can I ask what you are doing?" The man was curious as to what the president was doing, they had called him but he was taking his time getting there."I'm just taking a smoke, it calms me down. Now stop bothering me, go and do your job." I waved him off as he retreated into the building."Yes sir!" He was gone and I was left with my thoughts.

I sat for a few moments before I made my way back into the white house. I made my way through the west wing to my office. Once I got to my office I could see that everyone was sat down waiting for me to begin."Well, good afternoon everyone." I sat down in my chair, making myself comfortable. "Now what can I help you all with?""Sir, there is a great deal of news stories that need to be approved of." My press secretary was not happy about me, she didn't like the president and she especially didn't like me as president. She wanted to make me look bad, that was the only thing that she wanted."Well I'll see what I can do, I'll make sure that you all have what you need by the end of the day." 

I tried to make my press secretary happy with my answer. "Anything else?" I looked at the faces of my staff, none of them seemed to be concerned about anything. I knew that they had many things they wanted to say but they couldn't, because the president should always be consulted."Well, the mail is here." The mailman brought the letters in from all over the country. "Mr Biden, the mail." The man was looking at me, wondering why I had not taken it from him. "Sir." He was looking at me as though he expected me to know what to do with the letters.I stood up and walked over to him, taking the letters out of his hand. "Thank you. Now if you don't mind I am going to be in my office." He nodded and walked out of my office."How am I meant to approve of everything at once?" I looked at the small pile of letters. I was thinking of how I was going to get this all approved of in a reasonable amount of time.I sat at my desk, looking over the letters that I needed to read but no letter could distract me from how uncomfortable I felt, how incredibly feminine I had felt, for 79 years of living I had suffered, taken drugs and medication feeling so wrong but after that young transgender spoke about her transition I felt like I identified with something that truly resembled who I was on the inside.

Here it was, the beginning of my new transformation, a beautiful but scarred journey from the fake mask of masculinity to the pure future of my femininity 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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