Tripp as an LMD

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It was time for Alya's 6th birthday and Jemma and FItz had invited everyone to their house, for a party for her, including all her friends. But what the team didn't know was what Jemma had for a surprise for the team that she had been working on forever.

Daisy POV:

I was looking at the invitation to Alya's 6th birthday party, that Jemma and FItz had sent me. It read. 

Come celebrate Alya's 6th birthday with us, it's theme is spy so plan accordingly 😉.  A list of things that she wants is:

A telescope

Something from the 1950's

Old fashioned spy stuff

Spy toys

Engineering toys

Time: 12:00 - 5:00

Where: *** **** street

Date: April 16th

Hope to see you there. 

I decided to take Daniel to the store so we could buy Alya birthday presents, 1 present from each of us. I got her an engineering set for kids where she could fix broken things, and make different things. 

Daniel decided to get her an old, but still working phone, from the 1950s. 

~Time skip to Alya's party, His name is Warren~

Me and Daniel arrived 5 minutes after 12:00, to Alya's party. When we rang the doorbell, she opened the door to greet us. "Auntie Daisy!! Uncle Daniel!!! You Came!!" She said happily. "Of course we came how could we not miss your 6th birthday it's so important." I said, picking her up, and hugging her. 

"Daisy, Daniel, glad you could make it, uh presents in the dining room." Jemma said. "Of course, couldn't miss this for the world." I said putting Alya down to go play with her friends. We put the presents in the dining room and Daniel went to find Fitz, while I followed Jemma to the kitchen to make food. 

"So, how are things, with the quiet life?" I asked Jemma. "Honestly, it's really nice, but I do miss, you know saving the world now and then. How are you doing, is Kora doing alright." She replied. "Yah, right now she's on a week long trip to guess where." I said. "I'm gonna say S.H.I.E.L.D." She guessed. 

"Well you are correct, because where else would a random high school trip be. I'm guessing Mack, or somebody saw the last name 'Johnson' and said, 'yes they are going to go on a trip here'." I said, me and Jemma laughing. 

Then Alya came into the kitchen. "Aunt Daisy, come on i'm going to introduce you to my friends, let's go." She said pulling me into the living room. "We'll catch up more later!" I called to Jemma. "Now Alya, is your father there, I still haven't said hi to him yet." I asked Alya. "He's outside you can say hi after I introduce you to alll my friends." She said. "Ok introduce me." I replied.

"This, is Owen, this is Megan, this is Alicia," She started pointing at each one in turn. "... and finally, this is Tom. Guys this is my Aunt Daisy." Alya said after a while. "Hi I'm daisy it's nice to meet you all, but now, I'm going to say hello to Alya's father, now excuse me." I said then went into the garden. 

"Fitz! Long time no see" I said. "Hey Daisy" 

~Time skip brought to you by writers block and lack of motivation After da party btw~

"Bye everyone, have a nice evening!" Jemma called to the last guests where leaving, other than the team of course.

"Fitz, can you watch Alya, I'm going to show them the surprise" Jemma said. We all followed Jemma into a lab in the basement. "So, don't freak out but umm it took me a while, but I made And LMD version of Tripp." Jemma said.

We all gasped. "REALLY!?!?!" We all said that the same time. "Yep"

Part two??? Literally have been working on this forever so yah hope you like it


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