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Olusola's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling less anxious than I was the day before. My first day was supposed to make me feel all jeered up, at least that's what I thought. But this 'first day' felt like every other day.

I dragged my self out of bed, brushed my teeth and took my bath. I wore tight jeans and a baggy t-shirt with a pair of white sneakers to match the t-shirt. I love being comfortable in whatever I wear but I'm not really a baggy person. The dress combo is definitely a result of my not being super anxious.

'Okay girlie, let's see what this school has for us' I said to my reflection in the mirror, my tone void of enthusiasm.

I took my bag and left the room. Toke had an early start, so she left the dorm before me. I locked the dorm room and made my way to class.

'Humph!' Something crashed into me as I entered the classroom hall-way and I landed on my butt. I'm starting to think this school has a dark history with clashing.

'I'm so sorry' A charming voice said.

Looking up, my eyes met with a very familiar pair of eyes but I couldn't recall where I've seen them before.

'Oh, it's you.' The boy continued, his expression changing from concern to suprise.

'Excuse me?' I retorted, still trying to remember as I struggled to stand.

'You're Feyi's friend right?' He asked with a weird smile.

'Yea' I nodded 'And you are?'

'Her brother. We met last night, remember?'

'Oh! You're the brother' I said, nodding my head in slow motion. I remember the weird brother from last night. I'm actually surprised he wants to have a conversation with me after the cold reception he gave me at the party.

'The brother?'

'Never mind. You skate?' I asked referring to the skateboard in his hand.

'Yea. That's how I crashed into you' He answered, sarcasm in his voice.

How I hate sarcasm. It gives me the idea that the person using it knows too much and coming from him, it sounded even more annoying because the impression I have of him is 'Snubby'.

'Alright. Bye.' I said plainly and walked to my classroom, not wanting any reply from him.

I got to my class and luckily, I was early. I got a seat in the front and prepared for class.

The class was a brief one. The lecturer said she wasn't going to teach on a first day, so she just gave us the course outline and a few pointers on how to survive in FESTO UNIVERSITY. The rest of my classes were similar to the first Class except the last one, which was a General course for every 100 level student.

I texted Feyi as I walked to my last class for the day.

I texted Feyi as I walked to my last class for the day

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I smiled at her comment. It was very funny how we spoke like we've known each other for years, when it hasn't even been up to 24 hours.

I spotted Feyi at the front line as I entered the class. I walked over to her.

'Hi Fey Fey!' I said jokingly, stressing the nickname.

'I should have just given the seat to someone else.' She threatened with a smirk.

'That's so opportunistic' I replied as I sat down on the empty seat beside her.

She laughed at my reply. 'What can I say? I take every opportunity seriously'

The lecturer came in and the class commenced.


Abayomi's POV
'Alright, bye' That was all she said. It left me wondering if she also has a feisty attitude along with this oblivious one.

I smiled and made my way to the cafeteria. I'm supposed to meet Richard for lunch. We were done with classes for the day already.

'Bruv!' Richard waved from the corner he sat in the cafeteria. It was our usual spot.

I walked up to him and sat on a chair. 'What's up? Have you ordered?'

'No, I was waiting for you'

'Guy! You should have ordered the usual. You know these things.' I retorted holding my tummy in anger. I was hungry as hell and I expected him to have ordered.

'Calm down guy. I thought you might want something different for a change' He explained.

'Fu** change' I said and stood up. I ignored his annoying laugh as I walked to the counter.

'Good afternoon' The cafeteria attendant greeted as I got to the counter. 'Happy resumption'

'Thanks my gee' I shook hands with him, trying hard not to pass my aggression to him.

'The usual right?' He asked

'Yes' I replied with a forced smile. 'We're at our usual spot' He nodded at my response and started making the other.

'Look who we have here' I turned to see the last person I wanted to see on a resumption day. SUSAN PETERS. My worst nightmare. She has a big obsession with me and she never hides it, which is very annoying.

'Hi' I replied, a fake smile plastered on my face.

'I missed you so much Sugar boo' She squealed as she leaned in for a hug. I didn't hug her back, not wanting her heavy makeup or the glitters on her cloth to get on me. 'You ignored me at the party' She pouted

It was true that I ignored her because seeing her alone, always ruined my mood.

'Here's your order' The cafeteria attendant interrupted her rants.

'Thank you' I collected the order. It was packed in take-away. I mouthed a 'thank you' to the guy because normally, we eat in the cafeteria but I think he got the hint that I needed an escape route from Susan.

'See you around, Susan' I said to Susan after paying for the food. I quickly walked over to Richard, not wanting any response from her.

'Guy, we need to leave now. Like NOW!' I said, stressing the now.

'Okay' Richard said, suprised at my sudden need to leave.

We took our things and left the cafeteria. Leaving, a screaming Susan behind.

Waddup beautiful people 💕
Hope you're enjoying the story?

What are your thoughts on Abayomi and Olusola's conversation?

What do you think of Susan's obsession?

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Thank you🫶💕😍🥰

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