confusing feelings

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i woke up in the morning feeling like absolute shit "how was your sleep?" i hear Preston speak while my brain is still trying to wake up "could've been better" i muffled from under my blanket "you need to get up you've already overslept by like half an hour" he says while pacing around the room holding my clothes... wait why is he carrying my clothes "why are you carrying my clothes?" i stare at him in utter confusion "oh uh since you overslept i didn't want you running around looking for clothes to wear so i kind of grabbed some stuff for you?..." he said nervously, probably because he didn't expect me to notice "oh that's so nice of you" i said between yawns, i grabbed the clothes out of his hands and i changed into some jeans, a t-shirt and a zip up hoodie.
we skipped breakfast because neither of us were hungry so we went to check out what everyone else was doing but before tha- "hey y/n, hey Preston! i just came to check in how your finding camp so far!" Dave practically yelled out before i could finish my thoughts "it's lovely David! i've found some divine spots to practice my performances in peace!" Preston responded quickly "oh uh it's been cool so far, i like the kids here, they're all pretty nice" i said with my still sleepy voice, David walked away humming a tune seeming pleased with himself how things are going so far, while walking to the activities i saw Ered, Harrison and Nikki all talking "hey let's go say hi to them!" i said to Preston, he didn't seem to happy but i brushed it off as nothing "hey guys!" i yelled while walking up to them "hey y/n" said Ered in her cool sounding voice "oh my god hey y/n i've barely spoken to you since you've got here!" Nikki proclaimed in her high pitched voice "hi y/n!" Harrison said while seeming very focused on the flowers in his hands, i've noticed Preston gets really annoyed around Harrison so i'm thinking they might've not been so friendly with each other in the past... "so Harrison whatcha doing with those flowers?" i asked to lighten the mood "oh basically i want to make these flowers bloom... that's basically it" his face turning red out of embarrassment because of how lame the trick sounds "heh yeah that sounds spectacular" Preston muttered under his voice, i shot him a look to tell him to chill but Harrison was already glaring at him with a "shut up" look.
Harrison said to Preston "can we talk somewhere privately?" and they walked away to a nearby bush, i looked back at the group and said "i'm gonna go to the bathroom" but snuck near the bush to ease drop on their conversation because i'm just nosy.
Harrison: what is your problem?
Preston: what do you mean i don't have a problem
Harrison: you've been so... different since she caught your eye
Preston: what? i don't like her!
Harrison: oh come on it's so obvious you do... are you jealous she'll like me instead of you?
Preston: listen i don't like her just leave it alone and i don't care if she likes you
Harrison: okay but i'm i'm still keeping an eye on you, and Ered.
Ered? Preston has a crush on ered? wait what that doesn't make sense he's never spoke about her ever and he never even looks at her so why would he like her? it's not like i'm jealous, right?...

a/n: woah this has been a LOOONG chapter but more drama is happening!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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