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March 3rd, 2022

Gwen woke up to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Nick there. 

"Gwen, it's time to get up" He spoke softly. Gwen sat up and Nick backed up. "Everyone is already up." 

"Oh" Gwen said as she got up. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time. It was 10:37am.  "Get out so I can get ready" She said as she opened her drawer. Nick walked out and closed the door behind him. Gwen looked through her clothes and grabbed a white car t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants. She put them on and styled her hair down. She walked into the bathroom and did her eyeliner. She walked out and to the living room. Everyone was already ready and were yelling at each other. 

"What are we going to do?!" Blake yelled. Grunk then showed his phone to the camera and yelled. 

"It's storming!!" Gwen walked up and Blake looked at her. 

"Good morning Winnie" Blake said. Gwen smiled and blushed slightly. 

"Good morning Blake" Gwen said as she sat down next to Blake. 

"Winnie? When the fuck did you start calling Gwen 'Winnie'?" Nick said, confused. 

"We were in call one day and he wanted a nickname for me and he chose Winnie" Gwen said. Nick looked at Blake then at Gwen then went back to talking to Isaac. Tanner turned on a speaker and started playing some music. Tanner walked over to Larry and started to dance on him. Nick filmed some of it. Gwen chuckled at them and snapped a picture of them. Tanner and Larry jammed out for a bit till it was time to go. Nick and Isaac were in the front, Tanner and Blake in the middle and Grunk, Larry and Gwen in the back. Gwen didn't pay mind to anyone and decided to talk to Grunk. "How's it going Grunk?" Gwen said. Grunk turned to Gwen and smiled. 

"It's going great, are you loving the trip so far?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it's really nice to just not worry about my life back at home." Grunk nodded. 

"You and Yumi have been getting along pretty well, yeah?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. Gwen chuckled and shook her head. 

"We have been getting along but not in that way, you weirdo" Grunk laughed. 

"Yeah yeah" He said. "Random but, what's your favorite episode of SpongeBob?" The two went into a long conversation about SpongeBob and which character is the best. Larry butted in with his opinions too. Soon, they arrived at the gun range and everyone got out. They walked into the building and Schlatt was there with a couple other people. He was wearing a Enumclaw Washington shirt and Gwen smiled. 

"You from Enumclaw?" She asked Schlatt. He shook his head.

"Hell no, I just know about Mr.Hands" He said. Gwen chuckled, knowing the case. The instructor went over safety and rules then they were all taken to a gun range inside of the building. Everyone got earmuffs and safety glasses. A guy walked over to Gwen and handed her a gun. He explained that the gun was a Colt 1911 and that he hand picked this one for her because it's a easy gun to control. She walked up to counter and pointed the gun. She shot it till it was out of ammo. She turned around and saw that the camera was on her. She gave a thumbs up and walked over to Blake. She stood next to him and watched as everyone was shooting. Blake went up to the counter to shoot and Gwen watched. Blake finished and came back next to Gwen. Everyone shot multiple times while Gwen only shot once. 

"Are you sure you don't want to shoot again? We have the time" Nick said. Gwen shook her head. 

"I'm good. This gun range was more for you guys" Nick nodded and everyone took off the equipment. Nick filmed Larry as he pretend to shoot a gun. Gwen went outside with Blake, Tanner, Schlatt, and Isaac. Schlatt walked over to Gwen. 

"So, just to get this out of the way, you with someone?" Gwen went wide eyed and shook her head. 

"Are you asking me out?" 

"No, just curious. Today was fun right?" He said. 

"Yeah, it was" Schlatt nodded and waved bye then walked away. He went over to Isaac and whisper something to him. He nodded and waved Schlatt bye. Nick, Grunk and Larry came out and everyone got in the car.  Isaac was driver this time and Gwen was sitting next to Blake. Blake went on his phone and Gwen laid her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and rested for the drive. Soon they arrived and everyone got out. They went in and Nick filmed as they all walked in. There was only enough spots for the guys to sit and film the podcast so, Gwen sat off on the side. She rested her head on the armrest and fell asleep. 


Gwen woke up to Blake shaking her. 

"We are leaving now" Gwen nodded and got up. She walked out with Blake and the rest of the guys were already outside. They all started walking back to the car and Nick talked about how that was his new favorite memory. They all got in the car and drove back home. Once they got home, everyone went inside. Larry, Tanner and Grunk laid down on the couch and turned on SpongeBob. Isaac and Nick went into the kitchen to order some food. Blake went and joined the three on the couch while Gwen went to her room. She got into her sweats and took off her makeup. Gwen then walked out and sat next to Blake. He wrapped his arm around her and she snuggled into him. They watched SpongeBob till Isaac started pretending to go downstairs behind the couch. Blake soon got up and joined Isaac while Nick filmed everything. The bit soon died out and dinner had shown up. It was pizza. Of course, Gwen thought as she walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a couple slices and ate with everyone at the table. She finished her plate and cleaned up everyone else's with the help of Grunk. Gwen and Grunk finished then Gwen went off to bed. 

an wooo another chapter. it's a shorter one for sure. Hope you all enjoyed this one and hope you have an amazing day/night :)

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