I get a ride from Spencer to the school and we see that the parking lot is already pretty packed, which means inside would be just as full. The whole ride is slightly quiet, me trying to wrap my head around things while she seems to not know what to say. Eventually though she reassures me that things will be okay and that when I get the chance I need to tell Aria what happened. I tell her I will, but that this would be best to hold out till tomorrow rather than ruining everyone's night.
When we head inside we see Emily, Aria and Hanna just getting in line to check in. So we go over and stand in line behind them. My nerves have the best of me a bit as I try not to think about the conversation I just had with Spencer and say my hellos. Luckily though a loud, "Jessie!" Saves me from getting interrogated by Aria on why I sent a panicked voicemail when I left for Spencer's. When I turn to the voice I see that it's Aunt Ella who yelled my name and is standing at the check in table. "I need you!"
I look at Aria, eyebrows raised in some confusion. "Any ideas what your mom needs me for that she couldn't ask you?"
She shrugs and pouts out her bottom lip a bit as if confused as well, "Maybe it has to do with height and you're taller than both of us?"
That was honestly the last thing I expected her to say as I half laugh, shrugging a bit. "I mean, possibly, but I'm barely taller."
Now she smiles up at me, "Tall enough that she's never asked me." She wiggles her eyebrows as if happy I'm the one being called over for a favor, "Go, before mom has to repeat herself."
I put my hands up in surrender, pretending to be fearful. "God forbid she does that." I say playfully and she smiles as I add, "I'll be right back then." I head over to the check in area and hug her when I get there. "What's up, Aunt Ella?"
She smiles. "Hey, babygirl." I smile back, looking at the girls as they seem to be staring my way and then avert my eyes back to my aunt, staring down at her being a few inches shorter when she starts talking again. "Okay." She says, "Do you see that guy over there?"
I blink in confusion, taken off guard by this random question as I look over to who she's pointing to. I can see that a tall guy is standing with his back to us by the DJ in casual clothes. "Yeah?" I stare back at her, waiting for more.
She turns and stares up at me, "He told me to let you know that he needs to talk to you. So I'm going to let you sign in now and go over there."
I feel my heart sink a bit because now paranoia from getting anonymous text messages has me on alert, "Do I know him?"
"Mhm." Aunt Ella smiles slyly, handing me the sign in sheet. She doesn't even listen to my pleas of wanting to know more when I sign my name in and then she scoots me over towards the door when I'm done.
I turn to look at her, not wanting to be forced to see someone when I'm not sure who it is. But the fact she's so confident while ushering me with the motion of her hands to go I just take a breath and walk over with a few seconds of panic in my head before I'm behind the guy, slowly tapping his shoulder now.
When he turns around my face brightens up in excitement almost in an instant. I must have had the most ridiculous smile when I recognized the tall man with light skin, freckles on his face, red hair and bright green eyes right away. "Bobby!" I yell.
He smiles down at me without hesitation, "Hey there little cuz." He says in Spanish.
I start turning red, shaking my head as I say back in the same language. "I'm not little anymore."
Bobby is my first cousin from my aunt (dad's twin sister). He's only two years older than me but he loves to joke and remind me that those two years make me younger than him. We've always been really close growing up so if I didn't see him when we went to visit then he and his mom (his parents divorced when he was five) would come around to see us. Other than some of mom and dad's old friends, Aunt Casey and Bobby are part of the few to visit Rosewood and actually like it.

My Life in Rosewood
FanfictionJessie Brant, a normal teenage girl who loves sports, her family and friends has lived in a "perfect" town called Rosewood, Pennsylvania since the age of 3. This town is known for their "perfect" lives and there are rarely any mishaps. So when a mys...