- 1 - A Beginning -

16 1 0

(Info; Just a crossover book between Super Hexagon and Open Hexagon! I wanted to do this because both are games I really like, and I wanna write again. POVs in this will likely switch randomly between Tri and Triangle. Enjoy! :] )


Tri sort of just, floated there. Waiting for something, anything, really.

Moments later, they finally flew away from where they were. "This feels odd..-" They slowly came to a stop, and the multicolored (note; the players in both games change color, so I just say "multicolored") triangle looked around again.

Tri glanced around, then noticed someone, or something they hadn't seen before. ".. wh-"

The other shape, was, in fact, another triangle. They were also sorta just, multicolored.

The triangle seemed slightly startled by them. ".. wha- .. where am I- ?"

"Uhhh-.. I dunno, what exactly to call this place, particularly-" Tri sorta just, stared at this other triangle. "Who, are you- ?"

They glanced at Tri. ".. ah- Uhm-.. well, my name is Triangle..- what's, your name-.. ?"

Tri hesitated slightly, before responding to Triangle. ".. I'm Tri." Tri quickly flew over to where they could play a level. "Uh, I haven't had anyone else here..- do you, wanna go to the first level?- .. just, to show you, um, here- I guess-.. since I dunno if you're even used to stuff like here..-"

Triangle glanced around, before flying over. ".. uh- sure, I guess-.. I dunno, how exactly I got here, even-.. I mean, I might know a way back?-.. but, I'll just, check later-.." They sorta just floated there.

Tri, kinda understood? In a way. They sighed, and then went to the first level. "Mkay. It's, been a while since I've played this level. But, it should be good practice, I guess-" They entered, or, started, the level.

Triangle quickly joined them over by the hexagon. "What exactly is it..-" they sorta cut themselves off as they saw the walls. "Ooohhh." They sorta went to dodge it immediately, and Tri was slightly surprised they immediately dodged it so fast.

Tri themselves also went to dodge it. "So- this is, uh, what this is."

They sorta just waited for the walls to pass, before going to dodge the next. "Yea-.. um.. I'm, sorta just, used to this, aha-.."

Quickly, Tri also dodged. "Wait- you are- ?"

"Uhmm-.." Triangle sorta, tilted a tiny bit before replying, ".. yep."

This sorta just confused Tri. "Where, are you from- ?"

Triangle sorta just, stared at them. "Uhm.. I think I've sorta uh, heard it called-.. Super Hexagon..-"

Tri sorta just glanced at them, then the walls, and went to dodge the spirals of walls. "Well- uh-.. mkay then- if you, do manage to find a way back-.. could I, possibly, see it too?-

Triangle did the same, well, sorta, they just on the opposite side from where Tri was.

".. Uh-.. sure, I, guess-.. ?" They simply went to dodge more walls while talking.

Tri also went to dodge more walls, and they were actually sorta a bit excited to see where Triangle had come from, potentially. "Alright then." They simply replied.

The two of them went on dodging walls for a bit.

".. so uhm-.. what even, are the other levels, like.. ?" Triangle sorta just, asked.

Tri glanced around to see where the next walls were, being nearly fourty seconds in, they didn't exactly, wanna mess up, and have to respawn back at the start again. "Uuhh-.. That's, kinda hard to explain- I can, show you, if you'd like- ?" I mean, I guess-

Triangle went to dodge the other walls right as Tri did. ".. uhm.. sure, I guess-"

While dodging walls, now that Tri thought about it, Triangle was the first other shape they'd even met.

Both triangles continued to dodge the walls, up to sixty seconds. Then a bit more.

Tri glanced at Triangle for a second, then around at the walls.

After dodging some more walls, they tried to dodge the walls, but didn't in time. .. damn it-

They ran straight into the walls, just barely. Right after, they exited out the level. They sighed a little. "Well, I suppose that was sorta a good time then.. uh. I guess that was the level 'Pointless' then-"

Triangle sorta just floated there. "Uhm, yea-... well- uhm.. what do we do now.. ?"

Tri thought for a moment. "Uh- I guess, we can go to another level?-"

They paused. ".. yea- uh- really quickly, I'mma go check, if there's a way to where I came from..-" Triangle then flew off, and Tri waited, not wanting to follow, in case.

After moments of waiting, they quickly flew back. "Well um-.. yep, there, is, somehow, a way back.." Triangle sorta just seemed to anxiously float there for a moment.

"So uh-.. what level is next, then.. ?"

Tri thought again. Hm.. well, I don't know how many of these levels we should play right now-.. maybe Golden Ratio? .. or maybe, the other pack- .. maybe some of those levels, then Golden Ratio-.. ?

Quickly, they settled on that idea. ".. okay, follow me."

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