20. Communication. Good.

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Jeongin sighed as he was left with Hyunjin alone at the lunch table. Seungmin was sick, and then Jisung and Felix were both stuck in lunch detention since they had both finish their tests and then were whispering and then ended up laughing so hard the younger nearly fell out of his chair, which then led to Jisung actually loosing it and they got caught. 

So Jeongin was stuck with the older at the lunch table, neither of them speaking or even making the attempt to leave. But Jeongin hated silence. Even if it wasn't really silent in the cafeteria, the silence between them two was prominent. So he sat up and leaned over the table a little, trying to maybe see what Hyunjin was drawing so he could start up a conversation, but the older was careful about the showing the screen. 

Apparently not careful enough though since he set the iPad down on the table to open his soda and take a sip. But maybe he shouldn't have done that. Because Jeongin saw the screen, saw the drawing, "Is that..."

Hyunjin looked up and saw Jeongin's eyes trained on his screen and then suddenly scrambled to grab his iPad and immediately turned to walk away, towards his class that he oh so fortunately shared with the younger still. His face turned pink and bit his lip as he tried to calm down the pure embarrassment rushing through his veins.

Jeongin had stood from the table, but was still in the same spot. Still staring at where the iPad was twelve seconds prior, "me?"


Jeongin really wasn't sure why he was doing such a thing. Not sure since his mind was extra jumbled. After what had happened that day, he was left even more confused. But still, there he was, standing in front of Hyunjin's dorm. He'd already knocked but Jeongin still wondered, did he have time to run away? Could he make it to and call the elevator in time to be out of sight? Maybe if he just hid around the corner?

The answer was simply, no, because Jeongin jumped and turned back to face the door when it opened, "oh, hey, um...what are you doing here?"

"I was uh, wondering if you wanted to go out and get ramen or something? Just...hang out...I guess," Jeongin shrugged.

"Well, I already ate and was about to uh, take a shower, but I have some ramen here and we could just...watch a movie or something?" Hyunjin offered.

The younger bit his lip but nodded, "sure. Want me to go wait in my dorm?"

"No no no, you don't have to, you can wait in here," Hyunjin replied, stepping aside to let the younger in.

"Oh...okay," Jeongin nodded and stepped inside, swallowing nervously as he looked around again.

Hyunjin cleared his throat as he closed the door and headed towards the bathroom, "feel free to watch whatever until I get out."

Jeongin nodded and sat on the olders bed while Hyunjin closed the bathroom door behind him. He turned on the TV and put on Stranger Things just for sound as he decided to, once again, admire the olders room. Looked at his posters, his art supplies which included a painting that had been started, but unfinished.

He smiled at it, the only part he could really see were a pair of hands intertwined. He turned to look at the rest of the room, walking over to one side of the bed to admire the little figurines that were there along with a pair of headphones.

Jeongin sighed gently and tilted his head in confusion when he saw what looked like a canvas, sitting in between the wall and Hyunjin's art desk across the room. He hummed gently and walked back over to the art corner and went to reach for the canvas, hesitating for a second because he didn't want to snoop around, but his curiosity got the best of him so he grabbed it anyway. He took it out and furrowed his eyebrows further when he realized there was a sheet covering the canvas. He removed the sheet and his eyes widened, a gasp falling from his lips and he nearly dropped the painting.

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