The First Few Days

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I opened my eyes slowly, I could see the sun peeking through my bedroom window. My room was warm and I could hear the TV downstairs in the living room. I rolled around in my warm blankets, too tired to get up. As I layed in my bed I heard someone yell from downstairs, "Ellie, I made breakfast!!!" It didn't sound like my parents, it was probably the babysitter my parents hired to take care of my while they were away in the Bahamas.
I pulled myself out of my bed and started to head downstairs. I came out of my room and down the stairs to find my childhood babysitter in the kitchen. She had made me and her waffles. I didn't say a word, all I did was rub my eyes and sit down in front of the plate she had prepared for me. I quickly ate up the waffles and sat at the dining room table, I didn't have school so I just kinda sat there thinking about random stuff.
My thinking was interrupted by the TV being turned up louder, I swung my head over to the orgin of the sound and saw my babysitter had turned on the news. So I stood up and sit on the couch with her. Suddenly the news channel flashed red and the lady spoke quickly and loudly, "Today in America we have had a medical breakthrough, a young woman named Jane Dallas had found the cure to Cancer! She has cured over ten thousand people, no one has had side affects or been allergic to the medicine so far. More at 11."
I sat there amazed, all my life people have been trying to fine cures for Cancer but no one succeeded, until now. My babysitter sat there in awe as well, "Isn't that amazing Ellie?!" She kept stuffing her face with her waffles as she spoke in excitment. "I'm ganna go back to sleep." My babysitter nodded in approval, I headed back up the stairs and into my room. I plopped on my bed and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

Later I was snapped out of my sleep from the barking of my dog Max, it was coming from downstairs. I frantically got out of bed, anger by my interrupted sleep. I stomped down the stairs and the TV in the living room was on, I quickly glanced over to see what the lady was saying. "Everything has gone bad, the president has ordered quarantines for cities and he strongly urges you to not leave your homes and stay safe." I titled my head in confusion, what was going on. I kept listening to the lady on the news, "The Cancer 'cure' that was invented my Jane Dallas has gone terribly wrong, the thousands of people she has treated suffered major side affects. They're biting people which causes more infection, their skin is rotting off and they are very dangurouse. It seems to be a plague of some sort the-" I turned away from the TV to focus on my dogs barking.
Max was barking at something that was outside in our back yard. I walled over to the glass door where my dog was standing and looked outside. My babysitter was outside being attacked by a person with rotting soon and dirty clothes. They started to bite her neck, blood was everywhere. My eyes widened and I was frozen. My babysitter dropped to the ground and the biting person came towards my glass door, I backed away and so did my dog. The biter came up to the door and started slamming against it, it started to crack and break. I flinched each time the biter hit the door, I snaked out of my frozen state and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and just as I turned around the glass door broke and my dog bolted upstairs. The biter came towards me and I backed into the counter, it came at me but I ducked and went around it. I turned around and started to run but it grabbed my foot, I fell on the floor but swung my knide right at the biters head, the knife lodged all the way into its head. I had blood all over my pajamas and I was breathing hard.
I pushed the biter off me and ran upstairs, I had to leave. It wasn't safe here. My dog was in the corner of my room, nearly scared to death. I put on black skinny jeans and a plain red T-shirt. I ran across my room and dug my converse out of my closet and put them on. I ran into the bathroom and put my light brown, elbow length hair, into a ponytail. My bangs were in my face but it looked fine. Running back into my room I grabbed a bag and put a change of clothes, my tooth brush and tooth paste, water, and a whole bunch of snacks in my backpack. I went into my parents room and searched for their guns, I always went hunting with my grandfather so I knew how to shoot. Frantically I through stuff around until I found a 9mm and a bunch of amo for it in my moms nightstand drawer.
As soon as I was ready to go I called my dog Max who was a black lab and always had a red bandana around his neck to come downstairs, he was very well trained so anything I said he did. I needed somewhere to go, but where? I had watched a whole bunch of survival movies and they always headed to the ocean so I figured that's where I should go, I could live on a boat.
I walked out my front door with Max right behind me and when I looked around it was already chaos, there were fires in the distance, smoke, traffic and Cara slamming into each other on my street, people running around, it was insane. I started to walk down the street with Max behind me, there were helicopters and I could hear sirens. I kept walking until I realized walking would take a very long time, I mean I had to get to the ocean from the middle of a city in Washington. But just as I was thinking about hijacking a car someone stopped and said, "You need a ride?" I stared at the person in the car and didn't answer, I just got in their car.
I didn't know why this person helped me, maybe cause I was a kid or something. And I didn't know where we were going or how long we would be together, all I knew was the world was never going to be the same.

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