Getting Along

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I woke up with light in my eyes, Max at the foot of the bed, and Marlene was gone. As I sat up I could smell food, probably Marlene cooking breakfast. Max looked at me and hopped off the bed, he walked out if the room like nothing had ever happened yesterday.
I was quite hungry so I sprang out of bed, I was wearing pajama bottoms and a tank top, and my hair was messy. But I walked into the kitchen with a good atitude, Marlene was cooking breakfast just like I thought. "You hungry?" Marlene asked. I nodded and sat at the dining room table, Marlene placed food in front of me and placed food on the table for her.
I started shoveling the bacon and eggs into my mouth, they were really good. Marlene sat down and started eating every once in awhile she would look up at me. "So how old are you kid?" I looked at Marlene, "I'm thirteen." I shoved some food in my mouth before I said, "We should do something today. Like -" Marlene cut me off and said "No. We don't need to do anything today. Never leave the cabin unless we have to." I stood up and rolled my eyes, I washed my dished and under my breath I said, "Jeez, bossy much?" Suddenly Marlene grabbed my arm and turned me around, "Do you want to have an attitude kid? We are going to be together for a long time, whether you like it or not. I don't know if you noticed but everything is different and your parents aren't here to save you, only you can save you." I pulled away, "My parents could still be alive you know. And I'm sorry but I've always had an attitude. My parents would call me Ms.Sass so dont take affence to my attitude."
That's how things went between me and Marlene, we got along but we both gave each other atitude, in a friendly way though. We became good friends. We didn't leave the cabin for a whole week. The only time we went outside is when Max had to go to the bathroom. Soon we didn't leave the cabin for a month, and that month almost turned into two months but one day something happened.
Marlene and I woke up as usual, had breakfast as usual, got dressed as usual, I entertained Max as usual, and Marlene was doing something productive as usual. But I was resting in the living room by the fire when Marlene came in a stood in the middle of the room. She was listening for something. "Do you hear that Ellie? Listen!" I listened and I heard something, it sounded like a motorcycle but it was in the distance. Marlene kept listening and so did I, the sound kept getting louder. And as it got louder it got clearer, it was groaning noises and strange noises like that. Soon we heard a bang on the cabin wall, after that came more bangs, then a window broke.
"Get your stuff! Get the bags fill them with the food and clothes!! Hurry!" Marlene was slammimg all the shutters, biters were attacking us! I did what Marlene said and got everything rounded up, when I bag was full I would place it in the center of the living room. I grabbed my gun and gave Marlene her gun, everything was ready. "What now?!" I yelled over the loud noise. Marlene pointed at the door, "We have to get in the car, we will go on three. Pick up a bag." Marlene picked up most of the bags and I only picked up a few. I looked down at Max who was by my feet, "Run for the car Max, the door will open and run for the car." Marlen looked at me, "One.....Two......Three!!!" We both bolted and slamming our way out of the door, biters were everywhere, trying to grab me and Marlene. We got in the car and threw the bags in the back. Max jumped in as Marlene and I were kicking away biters. We slammed the doors and Marlene started up the car, she slammed on the reverse and we started speaking away from the hourde of biters.
"Where are we going now?!" I asked Marlene, I was breathing heavy still. She shook her head looking at road signs, "I don't know. I don't know where to go. What was that? Why were there so many biters in once place?" Marlene was confused and frantic, I had never seen her like this. "Maybe they were looking for food or something. Maybe they just travel in groups. I don't know!" We were both quite stirred from what had happened.
We didn't know where we were going or what was ahead of us. We were just driving into the unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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