Yandere Kencanons

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Warnings: Kidnapping, Abduction, Major Spoilers for The Barbie Movie, Unhinged Post, Possessive Ken, Ken Just Wants to be Loved, Petnames, Ken Being Condescending, Post-Patriarchy Ken, No Pronouns Used for Reader Except 'You'.

♡ Simply put, you'd charmed Ken. Made his non-existent heart flutter and a feeling he always associated with Barbie to overtake him. Been in the wrong place at the right time. Hence, less than a few hours after your meeting with Kenneth, you were in Barbieland. Sorry - Kendom Land.

♡ You'd made the mistake of asking him for the time, in a rush to make it to work. And, with a twinkle in his eye and a seeming newfound sense of purpose, he proclaimed that "You respect me!"

♡ Dazed and with little else you could say, you shrugged. "I mean...I guess...?"

♡ And that was enough for him.

♡ "I must go – get back to Barbieland – spread the news about patriarchy!"

♡ You'd humoured him, more for the promise of your own safety than actual agreement, and he tipped his hat to you, billowing away in the direction of Venice Beach in a haze of his own world.

♡ You managed to dodge him initially, untangling yourself from his vacant stare and making it to work unscathed.

♡ On your way to lunch a few hours after, however, you were accosted again.

♡ Of course, by none other than Ken Carson.

♡ Who, having put all he'd learnt from his books on horses, the Wild West, and patriarchy, literally lassoed you and threw you onto his shoulder.

♡ "We've gotta get you back to Barbieland – the Kens are not gonna believe this !"

♡ On your journey back to this mysterious place, Ken explained to you how Barbies usually rule everything while the Kens are left with nothing.

♡ "But, with you at my side, I'm sure we can make it right!"

♡ You genuinely chalked this guy up to be insane, if at most, an escaped patient.

♡ However, as you traversed 2D landscapes, you were more inclined to believe him. That this fabled Babrietopia did in fact exist.

♡ And, once you get there, you become Patriarchy Ken's personal servant.

♡ He tells you to "Brewski Beer" him, all the while talking about how his initial conception of patriarchy had been that it was "Horses who ran the world, but it's actually men — and horses are men extenders."

♡ He calls you his "bride-wife" or "groom-husband", which, compared to the other Kens' long-term distance low-commitment casual partners, seems oddly...endearing. Dangerously permanent.

♡ With no idea how to get back to the Real world, you're stuck with Ken and his entourage of fellow Kens, the Barbies either indoctrinated into their way of thinking or in hiding.

♡ Speaking of, you are basically Ken's property.

♡ And he treats you as such whenever one of the other Kens tries to accost your service.

♡ His tone is low, eyes sharp. "(Y/N) is my long-term distance low-commitment partner, not yours, Ken."

♡ And, to show as much, you get to sit on the floor next to Ken as he watches the Godfather with his Kentourage, talking through the whole thing, commenting on its ingenuity and nuance.

♡ He also makes you stay nearby whenever he changes outfits - which is just him changing into another faux mink coat, pants and headband.

♡ Despite being this new, independent, untethered Ken, he asks your opinion on things which seem largely inconsequential. Still, you sense something unstable. Insecurity, perhaps.

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