Yandere Allan Headcanons

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Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Threats, Physical Violence, Just Allan in Love <3, Spoilers for Barbie Movie, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except 'You'.

♡ The fact that you've paid Allan any kind of attention is dangerous in and of itself.

♡ But if you show even a morsel of romantic attention towards him

♡ You're done for, babs.

♡ We've all seen how Allan fights – he will NOT let you go without a struggle.

♡ But let's start at the beginning. Perhaps you're a friend of Gloria's and you get embroiled in the quest to reclaim Barbieland.

♡ Of course, you meet Allan. And, of course, you notice that there's something...different about him.

♡ Endearing.

♡ For one, he's the only one of himself – no journalist Allans or fashion model Allans or doctor Allans: just Allan. One of a kind.

♡ You feel bad for him. You wonder if he feels isolated in Barbieland, existing in an echo chamber wherein none of the voices are his.

♡ So, you take it upon yourself to be as kind to him as you can.

♡ You always acknowledge him, always smile whenever he suggests something, always encourage his ideas even when the others would shoot them down.

♡ "I think we should at least give Allan's idea a try," you'd say, putting a hand on Allan's shoulder. To which everyone gives some sound of agreement.

♡ Not that you'd know it, given that Allan doesn't have muscle or bone, but he's tense under your gaze, your touch.

♡ At first, he's completely unaccustomed to this quite frankly positive attention. He's used to being dismissed at best and ignored at worst, so to have you, a human, tell him that his thoughts and feelings and ideas are valid is...

♡ Intoxicating.

♡ Soon enough, he starts gravitating towards you.

♡ Whenever he enters a room, he's looking for you, and he can't explain the flurry in his chest when he finds you.

♡ You both make an effort to get to know each other more. He feels hot all over when you look at him with inquisitive eyes, a shower of questions raining down on him. And he does his utmost to answer each one. A ripple of pride erupting in him when he sees your fascination grow with his every answer.

♡ But when you start to ask questions about him–

♡ He starts to stutter.

♡ "Uh...well–"

♡ "Oh, come on, Allan. Don't tell me you don't have a favourite colour!"

♡ If he could blush, he would. He can't look you in the eyes no matter how mesmerising he finds them.

♡ You smile.

♡ "Well, I'll go first, then. Mine's (f/c)."

♡ Allan smiles.

♡ "That's mine, too."

♡ It is now. What it was before doesn't matter.

♡ Every detail you give him, he commits to memory.

♡ Soon enough, he's got enough information to write an encyclopaedia about you.

♡ He did find that you shared similar interests, though. Like food preferences.

♡ "I'll have to cook for you sometime when you come to the Real World."

When? Did you just say when?

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