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Lee Know sat cross-legged in the dimly lit room, his laptop perched like a sentinel on the edge of a cluttered desk. The screen bathed his face in an ethereal glow, casting dramatic shadows across his features as he scrutinized the video of his dance performance. Every nuanced step, every fluid twist of his body, was subjected to his unyielding scrutiny. This room, his sanctuary, was a realm where his artistry and dedication intertwined, a place where he could lose himself in the pursuit of perfection.

But the sanctity of his solitude shattered like fragile glass as a jarring creak echoed through the room. The door swung open, a sharp intrusion on the cocoon of concentration he had woven. He turned his head with a start, his eyes narrowing as they collided with the figure in the doorway—Jisung.

Jisung's entrance was more than just a disruption; it was a jolt of alarm, a stark deviation from the norm. His breath came in frantic bursts, ragged gasps that seemed to choke in his throat. Sweat clung to his forehead like a translucent veil, and his trembling hands betrayed the turmoil within. Gone was the usual spark of mischief in his eyes, replaced by a profound fear that seemed to reach into the depths of his soul.

Lee Know's concern was immediate, an electric current shot through him. He propelled himself up from the floor, his laptop momentarily forgotten, as he closed the distance to Jisung in urgent strides.

"Jisung? What happened? Are you alright?" Lee Know's voice quivered with a potent mix of worry and unease as if he could sense the gravity of the situation.

Jisung's lips moved, but they were powerless to produce sound. His chest heaved violently, each inhalation a laboured struggle to fill his lungs. His gaze was locked onto Lee Know, his eyes a reflection of the whirlwind of emotions that tore through him.

Lee Know took another step closer, his concern shifting into a protective stance. He placed a hand on Jisung's shoulder, the touch gentle yet grounding. "Jisung, please, you're scaring me. What happened?"

Jisung's eyes, wide and unblinking, were like windows into an abyss of terror. The air around them seemed to thicken, the weight of the unspoken hanging heavily between them. And then, as if guided by a force beyond his control, Jisung finally found his voice.

His words emerged like fragile whispers carried by the wind, barely audible yet laden with an intensity that sent shivers down Lee Know's spine. "Hyung!" Jisung's voice trembled as if it were a fragile thread holding back an impending storm. "I've ruined everything. I'm so scared." With those words, he moved, his trembling body crashing against Lee Know's in a desperate, tight embrace.

Lee Know's arms instinctively wrapped around Jisung, his heart aching with empathy and confusion. His friend's vulnerability was like a tidal wave crashing over them, and he struggled to comprehend the depth of Jisung's distress. Jisung's grip was fierce as if he feared that letting go would cause him to be swept away by the tide of his emotions.

"Jisung," Lee Know's voice was a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. "You haven't ruined anything. And whatever's going on, we'll face it together."

Jisung's grip tightened further, his grip bordering on desperation as if he feared the world would fall apart the moment he let go. Tears glistened in his eyes, raw and unfiltered. "Hyung, you don't understand. I've done something, something terrible. And now... now I can't escape it."

Lee Know gently disentangled himself from Jisung's grip, his hands moving to cup Jisung's tear-streaked face. "Hey, look at me," he urged, his voice firm but gentle. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out."

Jisung's chest heaved as he tried to steady his breathing, his eyes locked onto Lee Know's as if seeking reassurance in their depths. Lee Know's touch was grounding, a lifeline that pulled him back from the brink of his fears.

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