Comfort 🫶

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Their head is pounding, vision going blurry and his mind is racing full of the worst thoughts imaginable. Stumbling through town with her headphones on and head down, tears prickling his eyes, what they long for in this moment is the warmth of her other half, Sebastian.

Ellis and Sebastian instantly hit it off with how similar they both are when she first met him in that dingy basement of his. Although with different interests, other things about themselves drew the pair closer. Two people avoidant loners that both dressed in dark 'emo' clothing with a few piercings and dyed dark hair, it felt like a match made in heaven. Ellis forever grateful that she forced himself to socialise to meet everyone in town, life would be a thousand times more gloomy in this town without Sebastian.

Dragging herself down the stairs to the basement quickly whilst avoiding the beaming auburn haired woman who attempted to greet them, tears start to spill down their face after staying barely composed for so long. He burst into Sebastian's room without his usual knock or tease, causing the emo boy to get agitated and start to yell.

"I thought I told you all to kn-"

He suddenly cuts himself off as he sees Ellis trembling at the doorway, she's starting to sob and unable to even look at him. Sebastian knew that a meltdown was inevitable for Ellis, she'd been so stressed recently about helping out townsfolk and earning stable income on the farm, but he never realised just how bad it was. Without a word Ellis opens her arms, still unable to look at her lover from how ashamed she is for her vulnerability, but still wanting the comfort of his arms.


Sebastian puts his headphones aside as he rises from his gaming chair with face full of concern and confusion for his teary eyed sweetheart. In a fragile state of overstimulation, Ellis begins to shuffle close until they're stood in front of Sebastian.


A sudden affirming squeeze and a kiss of his forehead from Sebastian hushes his beloved's overwhelmed voice.

"Listen my love, you don't have to push yourself to speak, I know it's hard when you're like this. How's about we go on the bed and cuddle for a while, until you feel better?"

Wrapping their arms around him with a nod, they drag Sebastian onto the bed in a needy yet careful manner. Gently pushing him down so she can curl up and cling to him like one of her plushes. Although a little surprised at her swift response, Sebastian lets Ellis get comfortable beside him before wrapping his arms around him once again.

"It truly breaks my heart to see you so upset that you're non-verbal...I have no plans for today, so we can stay like this for as long as you need. Alright?"

Ellis responds with a quiet whine whilst nuzzling into his chest, a small response but it definitely eases the nerves Seb's trying to hide. He's never had to deal with anybody in such a state (besides himself) before meeting Ellis, and it makes him worry deeply as he feels so helpless. Constant uncertainty of 'What can I do to comfort the person I care so deeply for?' Mixed with the fear of messing up in his actions or words, he's a bundle of nerves himself in this moment but he has to brave it all to comfort his baby bat. Ellises violent sobs slowly turn to cries, their grip loosens and after an hour of silent yet loving cuddles, he finally quiet and feeling at peace.

"Hun...thank you...I'm sorry you..."
They sigh in frustration at themselves before continuing,
"I'm sorry you had to put up with me like that..."

Sebastian chuckles softly at his beloved's concerns, all of their attention on the wrong thing after being so shaken up.

"Listen to me baby bat, you're worrying for the wrong person. You were completely overstimulated, and no matter what I'm doing I'll always put you first. I love you so much, no matter what happens that won't change."

After processing his words, Ellis looks into his eyes with a soft smile.
"I know, I was overstimulated...I love you too my fallen angel..."

A loving silence between the two emerges but gets abruptly broken when Ellis leans close to Seb's face and pushes their lips against his in a tender smooch.

In such an intimate moment, only one thing crosses her mind.

'I swear I'll marry this man someday.'

Comfort❤️ (Sebastian x self insert, pls read desc)Where stories live. Discover now