[OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS] Live Your Myths is a collection of myths and legends submitted by our very own Wattpad Community. Share your local myths and legends for a chance to be featured!
The Japanese folktale, The Grateful Crane, is one of the most well-known stories about supernatural occurrences in Japan. Retold in Keigo Seki's 1963 book, Folktales of Japan, this story emphasizes the importance of keeping one's promises.
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The story starts with an impoverished young man living in Japan. One day, while working on his farm, a beautiful, white Japanese crane descended from the sky. Much to his surprise, the crane was injured, having an arrow stuck through one of its wings. Through the kindness of his heart, the young man decided to tend to the injured crane.
First, he removed the arrow from the crane's wing. Second, he disinfected the wound. Third, he tended to the crane until she could be released back into the wild. Very soon after, the crane soared through the sky and heeded the young man's warning about the hunters. As a sign of mutual understanding, she flew in circles three times before departing.
Night came, and the young man returned to his humble home. When he went inside, nothing short of a miracle occurred. A gorgeous young woman proclaimed that she was his wife! The humble young man told the gorgeous woman that he was too poor to provide for her. Instead of leaving, the young woman answered that she had rice to spare.
Every day, the tiny sack of rice was fully replenished, and the young couple had food to fill their stomachs. There was, however, one request that the new wife had: to make her a weaving room. After the husband had completed the room, the wife warned him never to look inside it when she was in the process of weaving. He promised that he wouldn't snoop.
After seven days and seven nights, the wife emerged from her weaving room with a soft and silky cloth of immaculate quality. She offered this cloth to be sold by her husband to fetch a decent price at the market. Due to the cloth's impressive qualities, the husband received so much money and came back home with a huge smile on his face.
Some time passed, and a request came from a buyer at the market. That particular buyer wanted to purchase the same cloth that was sold beforehand. The husband pleaded with the wife to weave another equally-immaculate cloth. Even though the wife had some hesitation about the request, she knew her husband would be happy if she made another cloth.
This time, however, the husband's curiosity got the better of him. One day, during the week of weaving, the husband creaked the door open and peered into the room. The husband couldn't believe his eyes! His mouth went ajar, his eyes widened, and his body tensed. What lay before him wasn't his wife but rather a beautiful, white crane!
The beautiful, white crane noticed his presence and spoke these words: "I am the white crane that you saved a while ago. I became your wife in hopes to repay you for your good deed. However, since you broke your promise to me, I shall depart and never return. Here, take this cloth as a token of my gratitude for saving me. Farewell!"
After that day, the white crane was never to be seen again. This is why, as the tale warns, keep your promises to others, and you shall be rewarded; otherwise, your blessings will leave you.