Chapter Nine

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[i recently realized that i accidentally named this story differently than what's on ao3 i'm so embarrassed HELPP LMFAO pls just ignore that. i think i was high off my ass when i decided to post this on wattpad as well]

It didn't take long whatsoever for William to figure out what was going on behind the Jack the Ripper case. He easily found out that the only possible conclusion is for there to be an entire group at play making it happen, rather than an individual person.

So setting up an entire plan wasn't far too hard, especially with how many people he has himself. Sure, they are working against many townspeople, police, and a relentless and careless organization. But he knows that all of them are perfectly capable, even when he strictly instructed all of them to refrain from killing for as long as possible. A challenge, yes, but they all accomplished it almost flawlessly.

With bought time and a steadily going plan, William and Louis are able to find the group behind the killings. The exact place he predicted them to be, all gathered together as he always expected. Sometimes his accuracy in his own planning is a bit threatening and chilling, but it at least got the work done without any troubles or grand problems.

Before they step into the building, Louis steps closer to his brother and whispers lowly. "To clarify.. What happens if one or multiple manage to escape us? There are only two of us. No matter how strong we are, there's-"

"I have matches," William hums, abruptly halting the other man from finishing his sentence, "that's why I was preparing small mounds of powder. Regardless of when or where they run away, there will be an opening for me to cause an explosion." He smiles gently at his younger brother, earning a soft smile in return.

"I see. That makes this far easier then. Thank you for the clarification," he says with a nod, brushing himself off a bit. "I'm ready. And I'll do my best to make sure not a single one of them gets away anyway." His expression is written with pure determination, causing William to smile uncontrollably.

"That makes two of us," he hums, and with the contagious feeling of determination in their hearts, they step inside together. Every step they take is careful and quiet, making sure that not a single person in the group will hear them. Their surroundings are dark and completely unlit besides one open room in the distance, where faint candle light could be dimly seen.

For being an entire organization's hideout, this sure isn't very indiscreet. But with how misguided their line of actions are, William supposes it makes sense. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, even in choices of location.

Before they take a moment to stop by the door or walk in, William firstly sets up another trap, must he use his matches. This would be the final one; he's sure he won't need any more after this. He does it in swift time, and when he's done, he nods to his brother. He takes that as a signal and nods in return.

The two blonds stand by either side of the door silently for a moment, hoping to hear at least a smidge of their conversation before they step in. And all of their voices can be easily heard, as they didn't seem to care about noise level or refuse to pay mind to the idea of someone else being there.

"... I doubt even whores are foolish enough to be out and about in the middle of this riot. They wouldn't step out, especially if they heard about that fake Jack the Ripper running about," one of them says in a concerned tone, hoping to sound reasonable in the middle of the conversation. A small flurry of chuckles immediately tells William that all of them must be here, planning a move to make. Just as he expected.

"Haha! Don't overestimate their intelligence, mate. We'll be fine," another laughs hysterically, earning approving and agreeing laughter as well.

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