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When the wolf man had entered inside of club kezaira.

He was greeted by a bouncer Doorman, a large warthog Man with a black t-shirt, blue jeans pants and black sport shoes with white laces.

His fur is Reddish-orange with black short hair, white tusks With black tribal markings, light green eye color, a short gold chain necklace and with a black sport smart watch on his right wrist.

The warthog man had spoken to the wolf man with a smile on his face, as well preforming a bro handshake together.

The Warthog man: hey alias, how's it going bro.

Alias: just the usual, how's the club and being a bouncer going for you Marcus?

Marcus: nothing must, just the usual too, keeping the crowd protected and throwing some trouble makers out, broken a Weasel nose yesterday for sneaking and causing trouble.

Alias: what kind of trouble?

Marcus: stealing booze, trying to con people, being a prick and few other things, I gave him a good reminder that he won't forget about.

Alias: he cried while running, didn't he?

Marcus: maybe, it was still pretty good seeing him run with his tail between his sorry ass legs, crying like a little bitch.

Alias: that sounds about right, anyway, I'm heading inside and meeting up with talia real quick, and before you ask, this briefcase is from a friend of mine, I'm borrowing it for a little bit.

Marcus had looked at the briefcase for a moment and raised a eyebrow, after a second of silence, he responded to alias with a curious tune in his voice.

Marcus: let me gauss, a certain lion man with a black hair and beard, named Robert, right?

Alias: you gauss it.

Marcus had simply smiled and let alias though the main entrance, the moment that alias had passed a little bit forward from Marcus, the warthog bouncer Doorman had spoken to his wolf friend.

Marcus: if you see Robert, tell lion boy that he owns me five bucks and a round of beer against me, if he is up to the challenge.

Alias had simply raised his left hand upward and moved his two front fingers together in one movement line direction in the left side of his hand, a form that alias likes to proform to people when he is either passing though them, or if they are passing though him.

After preforming his hand form, alias continued on and headed to both see and speak with the owner of club kezaira.

The inside of club kezaira is large and spacious, with a large dance floor, many different kinds of colorful lights, a large bar counter with a spotted hyena Woman with a chain style tattoos on her right arm.

Alias had approached towards the bar counter and was greeted by the spotted hyena woman.

Spotted Hyena woman: hey alias, what's up.

Alias: nothing much, just heading to see talia at the moment, is talia at her office right now?

Spotted hyena Woman: yup, doing the usual, drinking, smoking, phone calls, running the club and pretty much everything as usual, even scaring some punk that cause problems here yesterday.

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