Chapter 19. Hide out and plan

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30 minuets later golden freddy led springtrap and puppet into an old, worn down, half moulding building. Golden freddy broke down the side door with his shoulder and they all entered inside.
Inside wasn't much better than the outside, mabey even worse. Moisture clung to the air like a monkey. The building was dark, cold and partially empty. Old shelves made of wood and steel lined the walls and making rows in the back section. Towards them stood a long, curved desk that looked like some sort of accountants desk. Rot and moss lined the floor, growing in between the floor tiles and on top of the tiles to make them dangerously slippery. "What is this place?" Puppet asked. Golden Freddy looked around in a full circle, reading the walls, air and the ground. "This place is very old. Abandoned as you can see. It has a great significance to our own kind, the animatronics. Here, in this very wear house contains a sacred and very, very old animatronic. Proboly the only one left from its production line. Partially hand made, created for one purpose only. To serve as the mascot for the first pizzeria, Fredbear's family diner." Golden Freddy said, leading puppet and springtrap to a locked room. Golden Freddy muttered a few words and broke the door knob, golden Freddy pushed the door open. A small gust of wind flew out of the room, showing signs that this place has been locked up for a very long time. The room itself was very rotten, moss spread across everything. Dust and cobwebs clung to the walls and floor. The dust on the floor was at least a centimetre thick, covering their feet. In the room was a simple oak shelf containing vintage objects, proboly mint now. "Umm golden Freddy." Puppet stuttered. "Is, is this him?" Springtrap took a step back and went wide eyed with shock and amazement. "Yes, very much it is him." In front of the oak shelf was a slumped over object. Tinted reddish fur covered the object, holes protruded the body showing signs that it had been sitting here a while. Golden Freddy walked up to the creature. "Hello, it's me. Golden Freddy. I've come to offer and receive something. I want you to kill Freddy fazbear and the owner of the 'animatronic diner'. In return I will sacrifice anything of your offer or request." Golden Freddy said without hesitation. A moment passed and a sound like electricity filled the air, slowly dying down. A blue haze emitted around the creature. It's eyes opened and turned a bright reddish blue colour. It's mouth opened and said one simple sentence. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time indeed...!"

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