ten. emmett

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010.    emmett


FINALLY ESCAPING THEIR LITERAL NIGHTMARE, from the help of Gerry attempting to be a Japanese tourist, the two cars had finally began to drive to their set destination.

Michelle dragged on about how she's gonna meet his fella, hopefully not a Orangeman, and marry him.

Slowly, Fallon got bored of hearing her repeat 'he's a massive ride' over and over again so she grabbed a sharpie from her back pocket of her shorts. She took ahold of Michelle's arm and began to draw patterns up her arm. Michelle was used to this but stopped talking, almost immediately, to see what she'd draw on her this time.

With a small smile, she lifted the sharpie up from her arm and took her thumb, rubbing the smudged ink away. Michelle turned her arm to see a halo and angel wings.

"What's this prick up to now?" Joe asked as Gerry, in front of them, pulled of to the side of the road.

They all piled out of the car as the people in Joe's car looked expectantly at the people who pulled over before them. Joe stepped out of the car and called over to his son-in-law, "What the hell were you playing at back there, kemosabe?"

"That's actually a Native American term." Gerry said.

"What were you meant to be?"

"Japanese." Mary answered

"I don't think you get much Japanese tourism in Derry, do you?" James curiously asked.

Michelle scoffed at her cousin. "Aye, 'cause that's why it wasn't believable, dickweed."

Erin made her way over to her parents, taking her sunglasses off. "What's going on? Why have we stopped?"

"My punt purse is in the bucking suitcase."

"Punts are such a pain in the arse. Why can't they just use sterling's?" Sarah spoke up. "Well, they did for a while, Sarah, but then, you know, the partition happened." Mary told her.

Gerry moved over to the boot and opened it up to find an unexpected surprise for them. "Holy God!" He screamed.

Everyone turned to see what had caused Gerry to scream and, well, the reaction was understandable because in the boot of the car, was a random fucking man.

"Jesus Christ!" Mary gasped as they all gathered around him.

Orla looked down at the man. "Did you not pack him in there, Aunt Mary?"

Mary shook her head, placing her hand on her hips. "No, no I did not."

Orla smiled at the strange man and leant down towards him. "All right? How's it going?" She asked with a grin.

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