sixteen. kissing & kidnapping

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016.    kissing & kidnapping


ALL SIX TEENS WALKED ON DOWN TO Ms De Brun's house, that she'd invited them too after their English lesson that day. "Ms De Brun's amazing. I've just never met anyone like her," Erin grinned widely. "She's an inspiration." James stated.

"She really knows how to grab things by the balls," Michelle threw her hand around dramatically. "I love her. Do you think she's married?" Fallon asked the group.

Erin shook her head. "No, she's not tied onto anything. She's changed my life, she really has."

"She likes my accent." James happily told them.

"I'd die for her," Orla suddenly stated which made them all look at her in shock before they agreed. "I think I would too, you know." Her cousin agreed.

"Me too," James nodded before Michelle nodded with a grin. "Aye. Fuck it. Why not?" Which then led Fallon to agree with them. "Agreed."

Clare awkwardly shuffled. "But I'm also conscious of the fact we've only known her, like, two days. Is it a bit weird she's invited us to her house at night." She logically spoke as it was a bit odd that a grown woman was invited them to her house.

"What do you mean?" Erin asked, not seeing an issue. "Well, she's a teacher," Clare bluntly answered. "So? You telling me a teacher has never invited you over before?" Fallon furrowed her brows at the blonde. "No, Fallon. No teacher has." Clare frowned.

"She's much more than a teacher." Erin dreamily said.

"Yeah. No. Obviously. I get that. She's great. But it's just that I have a feeling it might be, sort of, frowned upon," Clare stuttered through her sentence slightly. "God, Clare. You're so conditioned." Erin told her with a small laugh.

Clare scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" As Michelle explained, "It means you need to loosen the fuck up."

"I am loose, thank you very much," She tried to convince her friends which led Fallon to let out a laugh. "Try saying it a different way next time, love."

"Face it, Clare, you're a craic killer," Michelle smirked as Clare stopped in her tracks. "I'm not a craic killer!" But she didn't move when he friends carried on walking away which led to her shout, "I am not a craic killer!" 

Soon enough, the blonde jogged to catch up with them. "And why aren't we questioning Fallon going to teachers houses?" She brought up as the group turned to look at the girl.

"What?" She shrugged. "Which teacher was it?" James asked from behind. "Ms O'Donnell, our old history teacher."

"What?!" Clare exclaimed. "Ms O'Donnell! The one that was like, you know, fired!"

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