Prologue: New Home

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Melody came out from Customs in the Airport, she looked around with wide curious yet intimidated eyes. She stepped quickly, her eyes darting from person to person, and to place to place. She felt so panicked and upset. Her eyes teared up and her breathing became unsteady. All she could think was 'Where am I?' and 'Which way is the exit at?' Had she not been panicking, she would have seen a sign above point in the direction of the exit. But Melody was an emotional mess, and she was currently having one of her 'meltdowns'. No matter how hard she tried to calm herself, she could not. Her heart beat rapidly and adrenaline shot through her veins, causing her to tremble violently as she seemed to stumble around. Various people cast her either agitated or curious looks but none came to help her or ask what was wrong. Not that they could help anyway. Melody knew very well that when her meltdowns occurred she had to let them run their course without interruption.

After ten minutes of Melody stumbling around and trying to stifle her sobs, she spotted the bathroom and rushed towards it. She needed to sit down and allow herself to calm down. However, just as she was about eight feet away from the door, a person walked up in front of her, blocking her path. A man maybe a foot taller than Melody, brown eyes and brown hair, side burns and a recently shaved beard looked down at Melody with a concerned expression. "Hey, are you alright?" Melody's expression faltered between deeply upset and deeply angry. She wanted to slap this person and yell, "Does it look like I'm alright?!" But she didn't. With her emotions exploding inside her like a violent volcano, she could help but let out a sob and try to say, "G-Get me out of here!" She needed air. She needed space. She couldn't breathe. The place was too packed with people. She felt like a monkey in a cage.

Melody didn't know what she expected the man to do, so imagine her surprise when the man suddenly took her hand in his and began to pull her towards the nearest exit. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she held her hand to her mouth in a failed attempt to muffle her sobs. As the man in shining armour pulled the princess to safety, Melody couldn't help but feel like she knew the man somewhere. She didn't recognise him exactly, but she recognised the vibe he gave off, and his rough yet gentle touch. How could she feel this sense of familiarity if she's never seen him before? How was that even possible? Perhaps...

Melody wasn't allowed to finish her thoughts as the fresh air of the outside world hit her in the face and took her breath away. Los Angeles wasn't the most attractive of place, but it was better than where she had come from. The man continued to drag Melody with him until he found an empty side walk along the side of the Airport. Melody let her luggage go and stumbled towards the nearest bench. She sat on it heavily and pressed her palms to her knees, she leaned forward and almost wheezed as she tried to calm herself. The man watched her in silence, seemingly at a loss for words.

Once Melody had calmed down enough to speak, she looked up at the man and awkwardly said, "Thanks... for pulling me out of there..." The man nodded and took out a cigarette from his pocket, as well as a lighter. Lighting his smoke, he put the lighter away and took a huff before blowing the smoke into the air. Melody leaned back against the bench and wiped her eyes dry. She let out an unsteady breath before standing on weak and shaky legs. She grabbed her luggage and stared at the man. She felt like there was more to be said but she could think of nothing. The man held her gaze for a moment longer before Melody looked away, shook her head, and began to wonder off slowly, taking uneven steps as she went.

Just before she reached the end of the open passage way, the man said loudly, talking to Melody, " You remind me of someone." Melody stopped in her tracks, and let those words sink in before she turned around and asked, "I remind you of someone?" Tim gave an affirmative nod. "Who?" Melody pushed. "Someone I knew a while back. 16 years ago... How old are you?"

That question caught Melody off guard. Her heart sunk in her chest and her breath hitched. She had a choice. Tell Tim the truth and possibly find out some more information, or lie and move on like nothing had happened. It was understandable that Melody hesitated to trust Tim after she had just arrived in a foreign country, but for Melody, trusting a person was like giving a person with a blood lust a sharp knife and turning your back to them. It's stupid to trust a person again, Melody thought. But, the more reasonable part of her mind argued, we came here in search of a new life. Trust will also be apart of this, or we will end up on the streets. Melody mentally sighed and hesitantly answered, "I am 16." Melody's heart screamed at her for telling the truth and risk getting hurt again, but Melody knew she had to trust again, or it would evidently destroy her.

Tim gave another huff of smoke into the air and sighed. "Do you believe in reincarnation?" He asked, and Melody suddenly shivered. She wasn't cold. In fact, it was quite warm outside. She shivered because that question struck something in her. That question invoked a lot of questions. Why was Tim asking so many questions? Why was she answering them truthfully? Why did Melody decide to trust him? And, does she really believe in reincarnation?

A sudden flash of unfamiliar images and scenes flew through Melody's mind, and she struggled to think clear enough to answer. Melody knew the answer, but she was unsure if she should trust him with it. Something sparked in Melody. A new found anger. A new hate. And it was directed at Tim, but why? Why did that one question cause this chain reaction?

Stuck within the flash of anger and hate, Melody's demeanour suddenly changed. A frown appeared on her face and a snarl emitted from the back of her throat, "Why should I answer you?" She growled. Tim seemed surprised but only showed it by slowing his actions and raising a suggestive brow. Melody gave him no chance to speak as she suddenly turned on her heel and marched towards her waiting taxi.

Once inside the taxi and off driving, Melody stared out the window with a forlorn expression. And she sighed, wondering why she had suddenly turned so cold towards the man who helped her and asked a few curious questions.

When Melody arrived at the hotel she was staying at, she checked in and rushed up to her room before locking herself inside and crying herself to sleep.

Too many emotions swirled in Melody's mind for her to handle.

That night, though, Melody woke in the middle of the night, whining and sweating. Her mind had been plagued by nightmares. Horrible ones. Full of death and abandonment. Still stuck within her terrified state of min, Melody fell of her bed, looking around with wild, wide eyes as she panted. And she crawled backwards until the window hit her back, and she curled in on herself, sobbing quietly.

"They left me..." She cried.

It wasn't hard to make the connection; Tim was involved in this. And Melody was certain to rip some answer from him. But come morning, Melody felt too depressed to even move from the spot she had fallen asleep in by the window.

She lost her will to care.

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