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I had cried myself to sleep woken up my alarm clock.
Remembering i need to go to work.
I work at this bakery across from the mall doesn't pay much but who's the money really going to.
Obviously not me.
Ever since I started this job my aunt Gloria has been taking the money from me.

Once I got to the bakery I was greeted by my boss Manolo.
Manolo was a great person he always had a smile on his face i like to think he doesn't have anything to worry about thats why he's always happy.
Manolo:Cecília buongiorno(good morning).
Cecelia:buongirono Manolo.
Manolo:what's with the sad face it's a Friday. He says with a grin.
Cecelia: ye I know just hoping this day would go by faster.
Manolo:your day will be great Cecelia I can feel it.
Cecelia: I sure hope your right Mano

I had managed to go through the whole day working I was about to close when -
Manolo: hey Cecelia there's one customer but he wants it delivered to this address and he's offering a lot just to deliver it to his house since we don't do deliveries and i would go but you know how far my house is and -
Cecilia: it's ok Manolo I will go.
Manolo:thank you.
I walked and walked until I found the adress I think i got the wrong house this does not look like a house more like a palace.
There were five security guards at the front gate I had asked them if this was the right adress for the order and they had opened the gate for me.
I walked through and I was mesmerised this place is beautiful whoever owns it must me loaded.
I knocked on the door and who knows if they could hear from how big the house is.
The door opened And to my surprise it was Carlos.
Carlos:Cecilia Bianchi
Cecilia:Carlos I didn't know you lived here
Carlos:well yes I do,come in it's cold out.
I went in and the inside was even more beautiful than I thought.
Cecelia: it can't be just you living here right? this place is huge
Carlos: surprisingly yea it's just me.
Cecelia:I didn't take you for the cheesecake type of guy. I said holding up the bag from the bakery shop.
Carlos:well maybe I like cheesecake or maybe I just wanted to see you again Bianchi.
Cecelia: wh-what do you mean.
Carlos:I cant eat a whole cake on my own.
Cecelia:I mean i actually have to be home you know it's getting dark and I have to walk so I won't be able to see straight.
Carlos: no worries I can drive you.
I started thinking and I mean what harm could it be but shit my aunt Gloria will kill me if she doesn't know I'm back from work.
Cecilia:I'm sorry but I have to go Carlos.
Carlos:whats with the rush Tesoro.
He has me convinced I'll stay I mean it'll be fine right.
Cecelia: I still can't believe you live in this big place all alone.
Carlos:ye me too I like space so why not you know.
Cecelia:I have to ask but what do you do for work.
Carlos:company work business you know the usual.
Cecelia: we'll it's a beautiful house, I've always dreamt of living in a house like this with a beautiful flower garden.
I looked back at him to see him already focused on me.
His green eyes with a hint brown they were beautiful.
Carlos:what that on your cheek.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts i remembered the slap my aunt had gave me had left a bruise on my cheek.
I put my hand to my cheek and said
Cecilia: oh it's nothing.
How dumb can a response be🤦‍♀️.
Carlos:well it's obviously not nothing let me see.
He took my hand away from my face and grazed his fingers along the bruise.
Cecilia: I just umm im really clumsy so I get hurt a lot easily no big deal.
Carlos:trust me I know what a bruise is and what caused it this was a person.
Cecilia: yes it was me.
Carlos: you hit yourself?
Carlos: I know your smarter than that who hit you Cecilia.
Cecelia: no one.
Carlos: it was obviously someone come on it's better to let it out than to keep it in you can trust me.
He kept his hand on my face and looking into his eyes made me trust him more so I had to tell someone it was eating me up inside.
Cecelia:my aunt Gloria.
Carlos:what do you mean your aunt Gloria.
Cecelia: I live with her she just got mad that I came home late yesterday and she was probably drunk it's nothing Carlos I'm ok.
Carlos:alright but you shouldn't let her do that even if she's drunk or sober it doesn't matter you shouldn't let a person lay a hand on you without your permission.
Are you sure your ok.
Cecilia:yes I'm ok.
Carlos: alright you want something to drink.
Cecilia: water please
He bright me a bottle of water while he poured himself what looked like whiskey to me.
Cecelia:do you always drink.
Cecelia:you know drinking is not good for your liver.
Carlos:who's to stop me from drinking.
Cecelia:me maybe.
Carlos: yeah?
I don't know what was coming over me but I felt confident but also scared I was gonna say something wrong.
Cecilia: you know with a house like this you must have a garden.
Carlos:I do actually I don't really care for it when I bought this house it came with it i was actually gonna destroy it and turn into land but my mother said no and said that she'll take care of the garden so ye.
Cecilia:why would you destroy it I love gardens call me old but I love all the different flowers and plants it brings me peace sometimes me and my mama would go to this sunflower garden near my grandparents house every summer it was the most magical place.
Carlos:ye well you can come here any time and take care of it.
Carlos:it's late you can stay here instead if you'd like.
Cecelia: um ok then.
We sat down and talked I mean mostly I talked but he's so easy to talk to I mean I feel comfortable around him.
My eyes were staring to get heavy I mean I was really tired after today.
Carlos: your tired you should go to bed come on I'll show you your room.
He lead me up this long golden stairway and round to the corner.
Carlos: this is my room and your room next to it if you need anything just tell me.
Cecilia:ok thankyou.
I walked into the room and it was beautiful and I mean beautiful everything was in white and gold design and the bathroom too.
I realised that i was in black jeans and white crop top I was scared to ask Carlos for something to wear but I'm sure he's fine with it I mean he did say if I need anything just tell him.
I built up the courage to ask him and knocked on his bedroom door.
Carlos:come in.
Cecília: um sorry but do you have anything that I could wear it's just that sleeping in jeans aren't as comfortable.
He was topless and in grey joggers and I couldn't help but to stare.
I could hear a light chuckle come from his mouth.
Carlos:sure doll, uhh here.
He handed me a black top and one of his boxers.
Cecilia:thankyou good night.
Carlos:good night amore.
I walked back into my room and instantly fell asleep.

Carlos POV.
I couldn't get her out of my head I had to bring her over to my house,I searched her up and found out everything about her I seen that she worked in a bakery it's the same bakery near my mamas house to why should a girl like that work in a bakery she deserves more.
when she arrived I seen her face light up shocked to see me I had to smile.
I got to know her a lot more. she likes to talk as if she had known me for years i like that she isn't scared of me like everyone else is. When I seen that bruise I knew something was up but I didn't want to force her to tell me it's not my business but I felt a sudden anger in me. Why would someone would want to hurt a face like that she's angelic.
Im normally harsh with everyone who comes my way or if it was someone else who had spilled ice cream on me I would have killed them in an instant but seeing her just clicked something in me.
Am I going soft?

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