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Cecilia: so did you finish school ?
Carlos: something like that.
Cecilia: you know you don't talk much and here's me mrs blabber mouth.
Carlos: you're not blabber mouth Ceci.
Cecilia: you say that now.
He reached for something in his drawer and held it out to me.
Cecilia: MY PHONE.
Carlos: ye it was in my car and it was ringing like crazy some girl called-
Cecilia: GINA.
Carlos: ye her she was calling you like crazy.
Cecilia: ye she's my best friend i better call her back before she calls out a whole army to find me.
Carlos: ye you go do that.
Cecilia: bye Carl.

I dialled Gina and she answered at the first ring.
Cecilia: ye um so very long story short like two days ago i think my aunt kicked me out because she found this rich guy yada yada blah blah no one cares about her anyways ye so i was basically homeless also i tried CALLING YOU FOR HELP but its fine we're all busy with our lives but Carlos called and he picked  me up and brought me to his work company place and said I could stay with him in his big ass castle house and he's been so sweet to me lately and also met his friends and they're actually ok I think, well there was this girl Natalie I think she's still in love with Carlos but I don't really know but ye we also kissed and-
Gina: YOU WHAT wait what  else did you do.
Cecília:Gina obviously we didn't have sex.
Gina: well not yet I bet it's big
Cecilia: GINA
Gina: what I'm just saying you know.
Cecilia: honestly just never been so happy.
Gina: girl I know I can tell, girl this is crazy what so like let me get this straight so this random dude just like helped you out and is like kissing you know.
I meant doesn't that give you weird vibes ceci. For all we know he could be a mass murderer or wanting to just have you for himself and like sex slave the shit out of you girl like I'd be doing a back round check on him first also you don't even know what he does for work do you.
Cecilia: well no
Gina: exactly so all I'm saying is like be careful and hopefully he's the one for you.
Cecilia: I mean I don't really know if he's into me like that you know.
Gina: girl if he kissed you then obviously
Cecelia: well i don't know we'll see i honestly just called to update you.
Gina: ye I know and I'm sorry you do seem happy I'm just a concerned friend you know I've seen a lot of movies were these things don't really go well but I'm gonna trust in you ughh finally your free from that witch we can finally hang out more maybe even at your new boyfriends house huh.
Cecilia: first of all he's not my boyfriend and second of all ye I do really miss you I can ask him if you can come over
Gina: perfect ciao ceci.
Cecilia: ciao Gi.

I decided to take a walk round this place it's gigantic and Carlos seemed busy with work so why not.
Cecilia: oh hi rocco and chico.
You know your daddy says you guys are aggressive mean dogs but I think you guys are just the cutest.
Carlos: you know it is really weird they're normally really aggressive with strangers.
Cecilia: well maybe I'm just special.
Carlos: ye you are.
Cecilia: thank you, you know thank you for everything your like my saviour. 
Carlos: you know someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be going through stuff like that your to precious for that.
Cecilia: aww you big softy. 
Carlos: well it's true you know 
He started to lean in closer and closer and I stared at his lips those beautiful soft lips of his we were inches apart until he looked away I was debated, did he not want to kiss me ? 
Carlos: um sorry I forgot I had to make a phone call I'll be back.
Ceclia: oh um oh ok

Maybe I was wrong all this time he just doesn't like me like I like him.

                               CARLOS POV
I obviously wanted to kiss her beautiful lips but the more I get attached the more I become distracted and I'd get her more involved with my dangerous life and I can't risk that happening to her.
I could tell how upset she looked but if anything were to happen or hurt her I'd go crazy I don't know what she's doing to me but I'm falling for her hard.
Normally I would just fuck these random woman I didn't even know but Cecilia is like a fallen angel from the sky.

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