Two Steps Behind

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What's the world like for a lonely girl like me?
Well stay a while and maybe then you'll see.
Loneliness is persistent; it doesn't quit.
You quickly become accused of a crime you didn't commit.
It doesn't matter how gentle you are or how kind.
At the end of the day you're still two steps behind.

The world is full of jealousy and despair,
For a girl like me,
If you stay, you'll see how it's a nightmare,
To see loneliness everywhere,
While feeling you'll go nowhere.
You become aware of their pointed stares,
As if you committed a crime,
You weren't aware of.
It doesn't matter how much you love,
You are still two steps behind.

You see, loneliness is different for every person.
But regardless of who you are, it still leads to self-aversion.
You spend your days begging and pleading to somehow fit in with the crowd,
But how can that be when inside you're as turbulent as a storm cloud?
There are so many moments I wish I could rewind.
But at the end of the day I'm still two steps behind.

Loneliness is a universal feeling,
That feels everyone with despair and hate,
From time to time.
You wish to be a part of the crowd,
Even though you say you're proud,
To be on your throne,
Of loneliness.
I wish I could rewind my past,
So, maybe I could prevent being an outcast,
But I'm still two steps behind.

Loneliness is like a disease without a cure.
You can try to ease the pain, but nothing will be 100% pure.
In order to bear the burden you tell yourself pretty lies.
But the truth is that your angel has been the devil in disguise.
Throughout my life I've always lacked a spine.
It's no wonder that I'm still two steps behind.

This loneliness feels like an illness,
That seems to be malice,
Against my mind,
Even with my prettiest lies.
I stopped believing in angels,
Once I realized my loneliness,
Was a devil in disguise.
My happiness has been a demise,
Since I've always lacked a spine.
But I'm still two steps behind.

What do you do when you're the only one to keep yourself company?
Your every wish is that someone will see you as more than a nobody.
You plaster on a fake smile in the hopes that someone will take notice.
How foolish of you to think that you could ever be the main focus.
There's a never ending war raging inside of my mind.
It seems that I'll always be two steps behind.

Why does no one want to be in my company?
If I could have one wish from a genie,
I would wish that people would see,
Past my fake smiles and laughs.
I don't deserve to be in the spotlight,
Since I enjoy the night,
More than I enjoy the light. 
A never-ending war,
Rages on like a battle in folklore.
But I'm still two steps behind.

So what exactly can you do for a lonely girl like me?
All I ask is that you give me a chance to show you what I can be.
I am lonely, yes, but I am also so much more.
I'll show you just how brightly I burn at the core.
Help release me from the shackles that have left me confined,
And never again will I be two steps behind.

Run away from a girl like me,
Think how much happier you'll be,
If you stayed away from me.
I want people to see,
How much more I can be,
But I can't shine bright enough anymore,
For anyone to want me.
These shackles are like steel,
That nothing can be released,
I'll be trapped for eternity.
I'll forever be two steps behind.

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