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(rose pov)

8 weeks after I left Nassau and Charles we arrived in bath. I bid adu to horneygold and went to walk the 23 miles to teaches camp.

Charles had found me a black perk ring and I have it to horneygold.

"Child I can't take this " he said as I closed his hand "I don't want it means nothing any more " "give it back to Charles if u want" he just nodded and placed it in his pocket.

When I arrived it was night fall. I approached the camp but was attacked from behind.

I awoke tied to a board near the woods. My top was ripped so I new someone got handsy.

Tops ARNT east to come by when your a double d.

I saw Isadora approaching but my head hurt from the blow so I ducked my head.

"Oh dear God go get Edward u idiot" she said as she recognized me

She helped me up and we walked over."bastard took my sword" I said as I sat

"I'll get it dear what are u doing here where are Charles and the baby"she asked

In the 10 years IV known her she's always been like a mother

I cried when she mentioned them. Teach walked in "little rose"?

I nodded as he saw the tears

"Where are Charles and the baby" he asked

"I lost the baby and I left Charles" I said as is hugged me. Teach just nodded as he touched my shoulder .

A few hours later I couldn't sleep so as is slept I went out to the beach. I took my sword and layed it down next to me.

"So what happened " teach asked as he sat with me

"Like I said I lost the baby and left Charles"I sounded broken

"U said that but what happens u to were in love something had to have happened"

I laughed "ud think u were my dad as much as u worry" he smiled "I might as well be "

"Ok dad" I said as he hugged me "now talk"

"I felt weird one day so I went to the healer to get checked. Come to find out my water broke and I had her that night. Charles was devastated as was I . When we woke up the next day He went to handle some business so I slept until Anne came in. We went for food but when I went back to rest I walked past Elenores and saw her and Charles on her bed" I started crying again

"I'll kill that boy" he said as I shook my head "he wasn't happy anyway I left him a note telling him to go be happy with her."

"U love him don't u" he asked

"Yeah and is it weird I miss him" I asked

"No ... U two are soul mates. He fucked up and I'm sure he knows it. But u need to live a life alone to make sure he is what u want" teach said as I nodded

"There's a small vessel a mile south of her . IV been looking to get rid of it anyway.ill give u ten men to run it and it is yours" teach said as I always stunned

"Teach thank u" I said as he hugged me

"And it's dad remember" he said as I hugged him

The following morning we went to the vessel "dad u said small" I smiled this was almost a man o war.

He handed me the deed as I hugged isadora "it's sor nice to have a daughter again"

I smiled as I said "bye mom" she cried as we pulled off.

6 years later the rose along with the walrus and some stolen Spanish ship are the three most well known ships on the sea . I never trade with Nassau and for good reason

In 31 now and I still miss Charles. Everyday I wonder if I'll see him on the seas again.

I am going home to visit today as I miss mom and dad.

About 200 miles from home I spotted this man o war . It flew Spanish flags so I avoided it.

We are low on munitions so I started away but they soon coughtbus.

"cual es tu negocio"the captain (state your business)yelled

"carogl transporte a baño eso es todo"
(Cargo transport that is all)
I yelled

That boarded and searched even checked the logs I learned to fake them from Charles

They left us be as inpulled off a storm came. Me and the crew stayed below deck and me along with a few other camped on land. Plan was to hunt in the morning but in the morning I was awoke by sounds in my camp.

I exited my tent to see a familiar face

"Flint?" I said loudly

My crew all drew as flint looked dumbfounded

"Rosalie?" He said the young boy with him looked my way

"Put ur damn guns away" I yelled as I motioned for flint to follow me

"U sit" I said as his companion sat on the ground.

Flint entered my tent as he told me of his search for the orca gold

"We've been searching for it for months" he said as I scratched my head

"It's 20 miles that way" I said as he looked to me

"The searched us yesterday" I said as he collapsed back.

"Where's your captain" he asked as I glared

"Did u not see them jump when I yelled for the guns to go down?" I said as he smiled

"The rose is yours." He said

I nodded as he got serious

"Charles misses u" he said as I got him food

"U sure he misses me or Eleanor's cunt" I said as he almost choked.

"The last time I saw u u were pregnant what happened u just disappeared one night."

"Well I remember that day. That night after I saw me I had the baby but she was way to early.charles was devastated as was I. Anne came in and finally got me to get up while I thought Charles was handling trade with Elenore. I got food and as I walked back I found my husband with Elenore Guthrie riding him like a horse" I said as flint just staireds.

"So that's what happened to the ranger" he whispered

"What happened to the ranger" I asked as I saw his friend shivering

I threw him a blanket as he passed out

I went back to flint

"The night u disapeard elenor declared that anyone who continues to sail with Charles would never be welcome in Nassau again. He disapeard for two months and showed back up with teach. " He said as I was surprised

"In the morning we'll go search for your gold but my ship is off limits."

He agreed as inlet him crash in my tent.

Tomarro I start a new journey

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