From bully...

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The first time Team caught Win staring had been over earrings of all things. Win couldn't part his eyes from the fresh studs adorning his ears. He didn't understand how two pieces of metal could ratchet someone's hotness up so many levels, but they did. The small glittering gems were a perfect complement to his "bad boy" exterior that Win's knees went absolutely weak for. Maybe if he could have verbalized that instead of stammering like a fool, Team wouldn't have gotten in his face over it.

God, he was such a jerk!

Why did Win have to have a crush?! And on him of all people?! He wanted Team to notice him so bad. So, so bad. But not due to Win's inability to look away. He couldn't help that his gaze stayed latched onto his classmate like velcro. Everything he did was alluring, even the sneer he wore as he harassed Win was attractive in its own way.

Damn it. He was hopeless.

In response, Win had marched his unpierced ass down to the nearest piercing boutique and gotten his own set. Perhaps Team would see and ask him about them? Start a conversation? Bond over a shared experience as their ears healed? Ha!

Team was oblivious, eyes passing over Win as if he were a bowl of lukewarm soup.

Then again, one pair of tiny stud earrings were pretty subtle...

Back in the chair after those healed, the gun stabbed a new pair of pointy-ended earrings into Win's ears. If one piercing was cool, then logically two were even cooler. Despite the heat and pain gnawing at his lobes, Win was smug. He, the nerdy gangly kid, had more piercings than Team now. Surely, that would garner him some level of attention?



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He was still invisible to Team, unless some slight was perceived.

The second—or was it the third—time Team caught him, Win couldn't peel his eyes away from his new haircut. Win appreciated how his dark bangs feathered and framed his face. How his hair product slicked and molded the strands perfectly. A damn hairstyle had no right to make Win swoon as much as it did. His eyes had traced over Team's facial features, trying to commit every line and angle to memory for his own enjoyment later. Of course, Team saw him gazing in his direction like a love-struck idiot. A hand slamming down on his desk had destroyed Win's daydream, heart sent hurtling into his throat.

Argh!!! He was so infuriating—wasn't it a good thing to be admired?

Dissatisfied with his own boring hairstyle and inspired by Team, Win let his hair grow. The long brunette strands hung in his face and drove him up a wall as he waited for his hair to catch up with what he envisioned. Cue awkward headbands and clips to keep his bangs out of his face while in gym class or during basketball games. Team noticed him then, but not in the way Win hoped.

When Team had called his name, a dopey smile had slid onto Win's face, happy to have his name spoken by his crush. Jeers about his shabby hair and laughter at the array of comically jutting pieces knocked him back down. Win nearly gave in and scheduled a haircut, but a little voice told him to be patient. Wait it out.

The day Win gathered up his hair at his crown into a hair tie and it stayed there, he made the salon appointment. He had refused to color it too early, not wanting to add growing dark roots to the spectacle of his hair. Equal parts nervous and excited, he watched the stylist paint the bleach onto his hair, brunette no more. No turning back. When she spun the chair around at the end of the appointment, he barely recognized himself. Platinum blonde hair framed his face, twin silver hoops in his healed piercings, his features brightened without the dark halo around his face.

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