the concert

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i might actually make a story about thing so let me know if you guys like it and i will !!

I'm currently in LA performing my last show off the tour. But today im playing one off my unreleased songs.

Hotel - montell fish

I made it about a girl i met before tour in some random hotel. I stayed for a week and saw her everyday.

She would constantly stare at me and i would do the same. We would wave at each other and she would wink at me when she was walking away.

Yet i never had the confidence to say anything to her. The last time i saw her was when i was leaving.

flash back

I see her again. My eyes gaze up and down her outfit and it's just perfection.

" y/n get moving ! " my security shouts trying to guide me out the door.

I keep staring at her until she starts approaching me , my heart beat rapidly increases while her smile burns into my eyes.

The girl walks up to me and hands me a peice of paper while smirking , i take it with grace as our hands brush against each other.

" The names Jenna .. text me " She smiles walking the other way with her suitcases in her hands not looking back.

I open the note and it reads

Seen so you can't keep your eyes off me , text me - 28374728 - Jenna.

I smile at myself and feel my face heating up.

Just then my security walks up to me snatching it out my hands.

i shout in his face.

He takes a step back " no fan notes y/n you know this "

I feel my anger building up in me " no dumbass that was my friend you asshole "

He throws the paper in the bin and walks out the hotel.

end off flash back

" y/n hun 5 minutes till you go on .. good-luck for the new song i'll see you after " Danny ( my new security) hugs me then waves and walks off.

My heart pounds like it does before every show.

I hear the crowd chanting my name.

I walk on in confidence with a bottle off water in my hand.

Danny speaks in the mic " imagine hotel girl is here "

" Danny shut up that is not the righ-  oh shit my mic is on " I say before turning to the stage as the crowd goes mental.

" HELLO LAAAA , pleasure being here and thank you guys for coming !!! " i shout while sticking my hands up.

" Shhhh " i shush the crowd " guys seen so this is my last show off the tour , i've got a new song at the end ... it's about a very special person i met at a hotel in california , unfortunately my old security binned the paper with her number on so i fired him ! " I say as the whole crowd goes mental while screaming.

Danny speaks up in the mic again
" She's definitely here "
He laughs trying to torture me.

" Danny shut up before i come backstage and kick your ass .... sorry guys danny is my new security dude and he won't stop going on about hotel girl"
i laugh.

I finish my first song which immediately leads into the second song.

After that we take a break and then i do the rest off my songs but not the last.

" Fuck it ! final song guys hope you had a good night ! "

play the song

" When i met you in that hotel room "
My eyes follow the crowd who are shocked.

" I could tell that you were so bad news "

" but i keep messing with ya , messing with ya"

little song skip

" now your messing with me messing with me
i keep on creeping back to this hotel room"
I keep scanning the crowd in hope to see her but i'm unable to find her.

end off song

The long music for the end starts and my eyes hit her. Jenna.

I cover my mic " danny she's fucking here "

" i know i see her , we have a camera on her"
He says.

The music stops and it's just screaming.
I swing my head behind and see her , Jenna.

I point at the screen and fans go silent

" that's fucking hotel girl ! " i shout at the crowd.

I see her smirking at me , that smirk she does when i stare at her a little too long.

" fucking hell she's gorgeous " i whisper completely forgetting my mic is on.

I turn back around to try find her as the camera swaps to a different area off the stadium.

My eyes find her quickly again and she's stood there with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

Without thinking i run down to the crowd as fans try grab me and shit.

I take Jennas hand and help her over the gate before looking into her eyes.

" They will kill you now they know your hotel girl , wanna sit at ba- " I get cut off by a pair off lips on mine .

We hold it for a little bit then she pulls away.

She nods and i take her hand into the back but not before passing Danny.

" How did you know she was going to be here ?"
I stare at him , Jennas hand still in mine.

" That's my little sister " He chuckles pointing at her.

" so this is your new job huh ? cool "
Jenna says looking at him while nodding.

" okay shut up , y/n i'll keep her here you need to go back onto stage" He says shoving me out.

2 years later.

Me and Jenna have been dating nearly 2 years now and we have yet to argue or even get angry at each other. Fans are happy to see hotel girl which is kinda what she's known for.
She's the loml and i'm hers , forever and always...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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