Just For One Night, Hold Onto Me

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Synopsis: After having an ugly nightmare, Don is struggling to sleep. Somehow, he ends up going to Marvelous for help even though he fully expects to be told no.


No one on this ship was a stranger to the occasional sleepless night. It was something that happened to them all at one point or another. Worrying too much to sleep, being too wired from the day, injuries being too painful to sleep with, and much more.

Don was having that problem tonight. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. Tonight was a rough night. He had fallen asleep, only to be greeted with a nightmare. It startled him a lot and now he couldn't find it in him to fall back to sleep.

He knew he needed to rest, but was scared to. That nightmare had shaken him up too much. He couldn't find the will to go back to sleep right now.

He eventually threw off his covers and got to his feet. Don left his room and navigated his way across the ship in the dark. He knew the layout well enough to not bump into anything despite barely being able to see.

Don came to a stop outside a door. He hesitated. Was he really going to do this?

The door led to another bedroom. The one inhabited by their captain. It was an unspoken rule you didn't enter without a very good reason or permission. This was the one place Marvelous was very defensive about letting others in.

Don took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He held his breath as he waited for a response.

"What do ya want?" Came an answer from the other side.

"I... I um... can't sleep..." Don replied hesitantly.

He was starting to feel like an idiot for this. Marvelous probably wanted to laugh at him too. Coming here just because he couldn't sleep was such a stupid idea. Why did he ever think this was a good idea?

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

A fair question.

Don stared at the door, fumbling for a response. Eventually he got one out and then immediately regretted what he came up with.

"Can I stay with you?"

Why did he say that? He should've just apologized for bothering him. He should've just left. He should've bothered someone else. He-

The door opened, startling him. Marvelous stood before him, eyeing him up a bit. Don offered a nervous smile. He hadn't expected Marvelous to do that. He had honestly been expecting to be told to go away.

"One night."

"E-eh?" Don was shocked he was actually being allowed this.

Marvelous tugged him inside and shut the door. Don nervously took in the room. He hadn't ever really been in here much. Just once or twice when Marvelous had gotten sick and didn't leave his bed.

Don followed behind Marvelous as he walked to the bed. After a long moment of hesitation, he climbed in. There was an awkward silence for a while.

Marvelous seemed unbothered by the situation. He was lying on his side, facing Don. His eyes were closed. He was already just trying to go back to sleep. Don stared at him for a while.

"Thank you..." He whispered. He figured he should say that at some point.

Marvelous didn't reply, but did open his eyes again. Don was a bit nervous to do much. He didn't want to get kicked out. But... there was something he really wanted to do.

He took a deep breath and shifted closer. Marvelous eyed him warily. Don kept his gaze low as he pressed up against Marvelous. He shakily brought his arms around to hug him as well. Marvelous remained silent through the entire thing. Don had no idea what he was thinking about this.

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