Chapter 2: Snape's Alive!

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Harry sat beside Ron on a large stone in the Great Hall . He was happy. The war was already over and Voldemort is now gone, he felt free like a prisoner who was imprisoned in so many years.

But it's not just hapiness that he was feeling right now. Deep down there was sadness. Many of his friends died for him, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Fred and... Professor Snape. Harry was mad at himself for blaming Snape that he was the bad guy, but the truth is, Snape was the real hero not him, he was the one who protected them and without him, Harry would be dead by now. He didn't even had a chance to apologize to him.

All of his thoughts were bothered by a loud slam of the door. Everyone in the Great Hall winced by the deafening sound, Harry and Ron looked at the person who made the noise. It was Hermione, a Bad tempered Hermione.

She was marching straight to Harry and Ron. Ron whimpered like a child and muttered:
" H-harry, I-i think this is the end of us, I j-just want you to know that you are l-like m-my brother and I--"

" Don't be such a wimp Ron it's just Hermione, she won't kill us " said Harry a little annoyed on Ron's actions, " Well, then tell me why in the look of her face that she wants to kill someone " muttering again in reply not knowing that she was already infront of them.

Harry looked at the red-faced girl and stood up completely ignoring ron's sentence and asked what's wrong.

" He's alive " she mumbled looking down at the stone floor, but Harry still heard her. He was confused "Who's alive? " then she looked up and uttered "Snape " Harry dazed at her as if she was crazy then Ron stood up as well and joined the conversation " Love, Are you sure you didn't bump your head into something during the battle? We were there when he got killed by that bloody snake, and he was barely breathing! And now he's alive? Only miracle can do that Hermione " after that Hermione glared at Ron enough to melt a metal.

" I'm telling you the truth Ronald, he's alive, " she stated trying to calm down. Harry, who was shocked, believed Hermione but cannot resist to ask.

" Hermione I believe you, but how did he survived? I mean that snake is Voldemort's familiar, obvoiusly it's venom can make a man die just in a minute! " she was really annoyed but still answered his question calmly.

" As I said Harry, it was a miracle " said Hermione seriously. Then Harry nodded and asked again.

" What did you just do Hermione? " She looked at him and sighed.

" I prayed for him to live, and God answered my prayers " after she said the last statement, she smiled brightly.

Harry was shocked.

'God answered her prayer..."  he thought as his lips trembled. His knees fell down on the floor and cried.

Hermione dazed at the crying Harry.

'What has gotten into him?' She thought and knelt down beside him, and so did Ron.

" What's wrong mate? Is there something bothering you? " Ron asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Hermione looked at him, rolling her eyes.

" Of course there's something bothering him Ronald, Harry can't just cry without a reason he's not a retard " she snarled, and added " Now... What's the matter? "

Harry looked up at his concerned friends and smiled while his eyes full of tears.

" There's nothing bothering me Hermione--" his sentence was cutted off because of Ron clearing his throat and looked at Hermione smirking while she glared at him making Ron whimper, she smiled devilishly.

" Go on now Harry " she said, and so he did.

" Okay, where was I?... oh right, nothing is bothering me, I--well I cried because I thought God didn't exist!--" he was cutted off again by Hermione slamming her palm on his shoulder " Go on "

" Okay,I deserve as I was saying, when I had heard the miracle you are talking about, I comprehended that I was wrong about everything I believed in, He is real, God is real, " after that Harry hugged them and added.

" So, where is Professor Snape? " he whispered at Hermione's ear, they pulled apart and stood up. Hermione smirked.

" That git? How will I know? He shoved me off after I helped him! Can you believe it Harry? What kind of repayment is that?! That man is terrible, horrid, arrogant... every bad characteristics in the world that I could think of describes him! " she inflamed. They stared at her.

" So that's why she's pissed off " Ron whispered to Harry nodded in agreement.

" 'Mione for a know-it-all like yourself, you can be stupid sometimes you know that don't you? if you're so cheesed off on the man, why did you prayed for him to live? Helped him? " Harry asked puzzled.

Hermione sighed in frustration, of course she wanted him to live, because she want to repay him for saving their lives but what he did back then, was unforgivable, he called her Mudblood.

" He called me a mu-mudbl-" she can't finish her sentence, but this time she didn't sob or cried, she can't be affected again by that name, not anymore, but when Snape called her that, why did it affect her and almost make her cry? Surprised by the voice she heard, she winced.

" Hermione! Earth to Hermione! "

" What?! " she bawled.

" Don't shout, I'm not that far from you " said Ron holding his ear. Hermione scowled at him.

" Who was the first one who shouted? " said Hermione as- a-matter-of-factly.

" I am, but I was getting your attention because you were in a daydream " Ron stated starting an argument, the two of them stood up at the same time glaring at each other, Harry followed.

" Stop arguing you two... " Harry stated, annoyed. Hermione already stopped followed by Ron.

" Sorry Ron, I wasn't in the mood, " she apologized, then she kissed him on his cheek.

" It's alright " and returned her a kiss on the forehead.

" Okay, so Hermione what did he called you? " Harry stated changing their conversation feeling a little awkward.

" He called me a mudblood " she replied mumbling. She looked at them and saw their facial expressions, Harry looked shock, while Ron looked like he was going to kill someone, then Harry spoke.

" He called you a mudblood? That can't be true, you might heard him wrong..."

" Oh I heard him right, he said I was an Insufferable know-it-all mudblood " she assured them. Ron, who was now turning crimson red,  joined the conversation.

" Where is he Hermione? I swear when I find that git, I'll tear him apart with my bare hands! " he bawled, while Harry groaned.

" Easy Ron, no one will be tearing him apart, you might have misjudged the man, believe me or not, he's been a great friend of my mum in their school days here in Hogwarts, and...well he was the one who protected us in all these years, so technically he is the reason why we are still alive in this day on " he explained while Ron pouted.

" Alright I believe you, but Hermione , you told us that you won't be offended to that word ever again? " he added with a curious look glued on his freckeled face, Hermione groaned.

" Indeed I am Ronald and I promised that, didn't I? " she said as-a-matter-of-factly. Harry and Ron was now confused.

" But... why are you mad at him in the first place? You're baffling on us Hermione" said Ron who was scratching head in confusion.

" Just forget about what I said, let's just go and Find him, " she replied walking towards the door gesturing them to follow.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and sighed in frustration, but they followed her orders and catched up to her...


Sorry for the long wait, I have so much to do, my assignments, exams but I finished the chapter!! Hope you'll forgive me...Love you all and thanks for the votes
                           Much love,
                         F.A. Baldeo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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