Chapter 28

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The mild sunlight in the afternoon was divided into warm-colored squares by the iron windows, spread flat at Fu Wan's feet, and tiny rays of light and dust floated in the air.

The world outside the iron windows seems to be so beautiful that people yearn for it.

He was stunned for a long time before he remembered that he wanted to send a message to Qi Ye to accuse him.

[Fu Erdai]: Well done, don't do it again next time.

[Fu Erdai]: Brother, the working atmosphere of social animals is not like this, is it? This is the atmosphere of being in prison. Soybean Wipe Sweat.jpg

[Qi Ye]: How do you know that going to work is not going to jail?

[Fu Erdai]:? Is it appropriate for you to say what His Royal Highness Prince Daqi said? If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut.

Fu Wan expressed his opinions on this zero-point home decoration for ten minutes.

During the period, Qi Ye didn't reply to the news, but Fu Wan knew that he should be listening.

[Qi Ye]: Wanwan, can I talk?

[Fu Erdai]: Tell me.

[Qi Ye]: The high-end furniture you want will take at least two months. Seeing that you are in a hurry to move out, I found something quick and convenient for you.

[Qi Ye]: If you feel uncomfortable, you can go home and sleep. Cute bear sprinkles flowers.jpg

Fu Wan: "..."

He seemed to have finally discovered something that his brother couldn't do well.

[Qi Ye]: I'm in a meeting, everyone is looking at me, I'm sorry to look at my phone for a long time. Please leave a message.

Fu Wan sat on the iron bed and was speechless for a while.

An Xia appeared at the door of the room: "Your brother...Qi Ye's aesthetic is quite unique."

Pure prison style, can it not be unique?

Fu Wan's preference for this single apartment ended before it even started.

In addition, Xin Yu recently arranged a three-day training for them, Fu Wan has no chance to move out for the time being.

He, An Xia, and Mi Lier were the ones in their working group to participate in the training.

The three of them are in this group, respectively responsible for scene technical support promotion and painting CG art, the division of labor is quite clear.

The weather was fine that day, and the three of them officially embarked on the road of training.

Xinyu is indeed one of the largest companies in the industry, and directly arranged staff dormitories for the eight representatives of the training group.

"Xinyu's cafeteria is too delicious!" Xie Hui, an honest young man Fu Wan met in a round of elections before, held a coconut chicken and boasted to death, "The treatment is so good, I I really want to stay here and work.”

"Is it that delicious?" Fu Wan sounded amused.

Xinyu's staff canteen is indeed okay, with a complete range of dishes and free internal supply, but compared with Qi Ye's dishes, it is really far behind.

"That's right." Xie Hui lowered his voice suddenly, "To tell you the truth, who wouldn't want a good working environment? If the eighth entry fails, I'll seduce the young director of Xinyu, do you think it's appropriate?"

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