Chapter 1- People's shitty thoughts

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Little boy: s-stop! l-i do-don't wanna gp back t-there! "cries*

??: Come on now! If you want to see your mama again you come to the lab with us like a good boy~

Little boy: r-really?

??: Of course, now. come.

He drag the boy back..

Little boy: They are putting something on my head again GAHHHH!! IT HURTS! *cries*

??; Shut up! You're so noisy!

7:00 a.m

?: Urgh! I wake uo earlier than usual because of that stupid dream! *Stands up and go downstairs*

???: Oh what's this? You wake up early today shoyo is that you? Is the world ending?

Shoyo H: Oh shut up you old man!

???: Jeez... wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Shoyo H: *eye roll* anyways, where's takaeda- I mean mom

??: You call Ihim mom and
me an old man!

Shoyo H: *glares*

???: Ermm... I mean he's in the school already, y'know work stuff AND doing your school application.
Shoyo H: oh okay, dAd.

???: y'know on second thought you can just call me old man.

Shoyo H: "rolls eyes* you're so dramatic Ukai-san.

Ukai: *defeatedly sign* can't really win an argument with this child

Shoyo H: *mumbles* heh..

Ukai: hmm?

Shoyo H: huh? Nothing. I'm gonna go walk for a bit.


Shoyo H: *walking down the streets*

girl: hey baby! I love you! *kiss*

boy: hi love *looks at hinata* 💭Ooh! What a cutie~💭

girl: * smiles*💭I think I'm gonna dump him later💭

girl#2: oww I really want this but I don't have enough money *pout* 💭maybe toying him for a bit then break his heart💭

boy#2: hmm? Ow yeahh it looks pretty, sorry I also don't have money on me 💭she really thinks I like her, sucker💭

girl#1: *rolls eyes*

boy#2:  💭ha! She thinks I'm an idiot!💭

Shoyo H: what a bouch of fackers *puts headphones and plays some music*

5 minutes later..

Shoyo H: *walking while humming* hmm? *Stops*

Random girl: 1-i really like you! P- please go out with me tsukishima- kun!

Kei T: 💭Urgh💭 *staring at the girl emotionless* You're short. You are not even pretty. Your IQ is probably low and I saw you making out with a guy yesterday.

Random gilr: that's just a one tim-

Kei T: "that's just a one time thing"? That's what you're about to say?

Shoyo H: 💭Damn he's ruthless, at least he's saying the truth💭 *shrugs*
Random girl: .... l-

Kei T: Also I always seeing you with guys around the school. *Walks away* this is a waste of my time

Ke T & Shoyo H:💭huh?💭 *Glace at each other without any emotions*

Sometime later....

11:30 a.m

Shoyo H: I'm home old man!

Takada: hey darling!

Shoyo H: mom? Why home so early?

Takaeda: oh just forgot some of your documents for your school transferring application.... don't call your dad an old man. And

Ukai: Yeah! Tell 'em!

Shoyo H: *pout* fine I guess, dad..

Takaeda: *smiles* well anyways shoyo you're transferring tomorroso you better wake up early.

Shoyo H: what?! I always wake up early!! *pout*

Ukai: yeah yeah when the world stops moving.

Shoyo H: *glares*

Ukai: *looks away and whistle*

Takaeda: Anyways I'm going back see you guys at dinner! Bye!

Ukai & Shoyo H: byeee! See ya!

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