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A/N: This is my first time writing a lemon scene so tell me how I did

PS: They might not be canonically accurate.

NH apartment

Naruto observed his lover for a few seconds. His baby blue eyes opened wide after the words that left her lips. His mind trying to process what she just had said. As he sat on the couch he looked at her in disbelief.

Coming back home after a long day at work from taking his internship. He dreamed of becoming a Head Manager, now he was finally getting the opportunity to work in an actual office space. Although it did take out quality time with his lover, Hinata.

Never in a millions of years did he think Hinata, his hime, would say such words to him of all people. Sitting on the couch in their living room, he stared at the entrance on the side of him, where said girl was. A suitcase by her petite yet curvy form.

Adoring casual wear, the young woman held her head down. Her words painful to her own ears. She hated it. Her brain was telling her it's the right thing for the both of them...but it felt so wrong.

So, so, so wrong.

She let out a silent painful gasp as she felt her eyes start to water, her head still held low from Naruto's gaze. She then began to felt nervous when he didn't say anything.

The silence becoming defeaning. She heard a shuffle. Naruto's face looked pained, as he asked her a simple question.


Hinata never heard Naruto's voice become so small. He has always been loud and obnoxious.

And yet hearing his voice like that broke her heart. When he didn't get an answer from Hinata, he continued his meek question. His voice trembled. She could hear his tears through his words. Getting up from his once comfortable position on the couch, he stood and turned to face her.

The question becoming more audible everytime he said it. It was soon turned into anger. Hinata started to feel guilty for making him feel this way. She thought this was for the best, that he'd be interested to comply.

Oh boy was she wrong.

She gasped for another breath trying to control her shaky breathing. Lifting her raven head from the ground she looked at the blonde. But she had her reasons. She gathered up courage once again to speak, although it turned out quite small.

"I...I thought that's what you might have wanted.", Hinata said quietly over his loud voice, but he heard it loud and clear. Over time with their relationship he had gotten used to it. Her quiet voice tuning his hearing to hear her whenever she spoke even amongst loud voices.

"You s-seemed to not be in love with me anymore, or interested for that matter!...not even a 'Hi' or 'how was your day?', even a damn compliment." The more she spoke the more her voice grew. It's as if she was releasing pent up frustration, which she clearly didn't do in a while.

"Kami!, You barely look at me anymore even when your home! You don't even give me a hug or a peck on the lips!", A hic sound came from her mouth. Despite her words Naruto tried to defend himself.

"What are you talking about?! I say 'hello' every time I come home. I compliment you on your cooking and how well you take care of this damn place! Besides I didn't know you liked physical touch so often!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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