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Sachi was tired. Really freaking tired. Her alarm was ringing in her ears as she madly fumbled for her phone on her dresser to turn it off.

She barely got any sleep last night being completely overwhelmed for her first day at UA. She tended to overthink these things. She was nauseous nearly the entire night; tossing and turning in her bed as she wished for her nervousness to vanish.

She sat up in her bed and leaned back against the headboard. Staring at the perfectly ironed uniform that hung on her closet door. Just waiting to be worn. She sighed and got up out of bed, pulling one of her blankets with her toward the window. She sat down and watched as the dark sky slowly brightened, the sun finally rising. She looked down at her phone in hand, 4:57 a.m., she had two hours to get herself ready for school.


She jumped "What the hell? How can he be that excited this early? '' she mumbled as she listened to Kenzo barrel down the stairs, Ryuji probably stumbling behind him. She could hear the door leading to the terrace open and quickly turned back to her window to watch her brothers in their swimsuits run down the terrace steps to the Pacific ocean. Her Father, still in his pj's, stumbling after them to bring them back inside.It's way too early for this.

She watched as they submerged into the water taking their dad down with them. She smiled and got up from the window sill, those idiots would be freezing when they came inside. She set her blanket on top of her bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Dodging her brothers as they ran back through the house dripping water on the floors as they went to their bathroom laughing madly as they went.

Her father was sitting outside on the terrace drying off as her mother mumbled curses underneath her breath as she came back from giving him a towel. She was already wearing her hero suit as she made her brothers breakfast on the stove, while simultaneously using her quirk to dry off the floors. Sachi moved as quietly as possible around her mother to the fridge to grab milk, hershey syrup, and the Solarbucks mocha bottle. She crept around her mother to the bar counter and began to make the "famous' ' Aya drink. Chocolate milk with a splash of coffee is all it is really, nothing all that special about it. But, it tastes pretty fricking good. Ayame made it solely because she couldn't stand drinking pure coffee.

She stirred it all together in a coffee mug before putting the ingredients away and sitting down in one of the bar stools as her brothers came back downstairs into the kitchen to sit at the dining room table both of them now wearing pjs again, not willing to risk their mother's wrath if either of them spilled food on their new uniforms. "So" her mother started "Would you like to explain to me why you tracked salt water all over the house?" her brother's winced, both making guilty faces. "Would you believe us if we told you that we had to go take down a villain that was stalking our house while wearing our swimming trunks?" Kenzo asked with an innocent facade. Her mother turned to give him a stern look "well next time you need to save us from villains tell me, that way i can give you towels to clean up the mess afterwards." she scolded as she began to plate their breakfast. "Oh, and Sachi"' She froze, what did she do now? "There's some for you too, just get it yourself" She said as she set down her brother's plates on the countertop for her brothers to get. Her eyes widened with glee as she quickly grabbed herself a plate. She quickly finished her breakfast and finally went back to her room and got ready.

She stood in front of her floor length mirror and fidgeted with her tie nervously. Her bag was packed, her shoes were tied, her hair was loose and wavy, and her uniform was neat and straight. Was she physically ready? yes. But, was she mentally ready? Not even fucking close. At least her uniform was more comfortable than her Somei uniform. The school had even given them the option for what they would wear underneath their skirts. Personally, she went for spandex shorts with thigh high socks underneath her skirt. She had to leave soon. And yet here she was, freaking out for absolutely no reason. She wasn't sure why but she just felt overwhelmed. Well. Maybe she did know why. This was one of her biggest milestones to date. All of her hard work finally paid off. She was going to UA. It still didn't feel real.

𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑬 {Bakugo x OC}Where stories live. Discover now