How did I end up here?

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I grew up with my mom and grandparents, my dad left at a young age but when he did come back he'd abuse me and my mother

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I grew up with my mom and grandparents, my dad left at a young age but when he did come back he'd abuse me and my mother. She finally broke ties with him when I was ten. His quirk was Lover Boy, it gave him the power to force anyone to love him. My moms quirk is a basic healing power. She could heal cuts and wounds but can't heal anything major. After my mom finally divorced my dad we moved in with my grandparents until my mom got her stuff together. 

I'm now 13 hoping to get into UA's Hero Course. I want to help those in need I want to help kids like me I want to make the world safe but I don't think I can do that with a quirk like mine... 


Grade school and Middle School were hard. Not only was I a late bloomer for my quirk, when I got it most kids saw it as a villain's quirk...

(Don't listen to any of this!!! It's for story propose only. Love you guys❤️)

"Wow you can't even fight back," "You're useless," "Why do people like you exist?"

That's most of the stuff I heard through out Grade school when I thought I was quirkless. But Middle school rolled around and I got my quirk, but that didn't help either...

"You're quirk is evil," "You're going to hell with a quirk like that," "You would've been better off quirkless or better yet dead," "Get away from us you villain." 

My quirk developed at age 11. I named it Heart Attack, it gives me the ability to control a persons heart rate if I touch them and hold contact. So in summery I can kill someone or bring them back to life. But the death must be recent after an hour of being dead I can't help, that's my limit. If needed I could go to an hour and a half, at that point I'd pass out after I lifted my hand off. If I went any longer I'd have a Heart Attack. I know this because it did happen...

A month after I got my quirk my grandpa died. I ran to the hospital with my mom and when we got there it was already two hours past his time of death. Once I got to his hospital bed I used my quirk. The nurses tried to pull me off I wouldn't let go. After a few minutes I looked at the heart monitor and he had a pulse I let go but once I did I went in to cardiac arrest. The nurses rushed me to the room next door and got me stabilized...


My grandparents are both alive and my grandpa is still mad at me to this day that I risked my life to save his. But because of my heroic act the nurses and doctors said they would put in a word for me at UA the High school for Heroes. Like I said I'm now 13 and I just got my acceptance letter to UA. My grandparents and mother are all very proud of me.

The big day has finally arrived the Entrance Exam. I still have no Idea how I got into the Heroes course I thought I was going to be put in General Studies but here we are. Some of the kids from my old school were here, I'll admit they had pretty flashy quirks. I could tell they were whispering about something but I'll try to ignore it. I walked in and got singed in they gave me a paper that had my seat number on it. I listened through the pros talk. Once finished I went to where my paper told me to go...

People started gathering quickly, they all seemed pretty confident. One kid did stick out like a sore thumb. He had messy black and green hair. He looked terrified. 

"At least I'm not the only one," I thought.

The test started, I ran. There were robots everywhere.

 "I can't fight it's not what my quirk was made for!" I shook my head.

Come on Y/N If you can't fight them with your quirk use what you know! Be like your hero!

I looked around desperately. I spotted a long pipe I used it to smash one of the robots face in. I used that tactic throughout the whole time and helped people along the way, I got a total of 51 points in bots. The time had almost gone out when all of a sudden a large bot came out It was huge! I ran towards it. I saw the green haired boy again, but he wasn't alone there was a girl stuck. He was helping her? I helped others get out of the way. A big explosion happened I turned around and the robot was going to fall on top of a kid. I ran I barley got her out of the way. A bit of the bots arm hit my leg causing a small fracture but I didn't really notice.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine but are you? There's blood on your leg," She exclaimed.

Once she pointed it out my leg started to hurt a little.

"I'm sure it's fine just a little cut," I ushered her.

"Thank you for saving me, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, by the way,"

She held out her hand. I shook it.

"I'm Y/N L/N, and of course I mean It's what we're all here to do, right?"

The test is now over and I got a total of 64, I got tenth. Guess those extra stuff my mom and grandparents made me do cut out. Momo forced me to see Recovery Girl, and found out I just had a small fracture in my Tibia. She healed it and once she was done she let my mom in the room.

"You scared me!" She yelled giving me a hug.

"I'm sorry mom, but did you see me! I got tenth!" I exclaimed.


It's been awhile after the Entrance exam and I got a letter.

"Y/N there's a letter for you!" my grandma hollered.

I went down stairs grabbed the letter sitting at the table. I opened it and was shocked.

"So what is it darling," my mom asked.

I felt my jaw drop.

"I-I got into UA!"

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