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I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting I accidentally factory reset my phone and forgot I had an account 😅 So I'll try to catch up with my stories 😉 I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!


"I got in!"

I was shocked really, I thought that my quirk would get me into the general studies but I got into the hero course!

Class 1A, and my teacher...

"Aizawa!?! My teacher is Eraserhead!"

Eraserhead is my hero, I always looked up to him as a kid. I thought it was so cool that his quirk didn't really go well with fighting, but he still became a hero! I admired him for it.

"Well would you look at that," my mom said looking over my shoulder. "It says here that recovery girl asked for you to be in his class."

Recovery Girl, she fixed my leg and asked me questions about my quirk because I didn't show it...


"My my, your Tibia is fractured," she exclaimed. "How on earth were you still walking so calmly?"

"It's a side effect of my quirk," I say.

"And that is?"

"My quirk is called heart attack, It allows me to manipulate people's heart rates," I explain. "A side effect is that my heart rate can't rise out of emotions and such."

"That would be a helpful quirk on scene. If you took some lessons from Aizawa you'd make an excellent hero," she smiles.

"You really think so?!" I blurt out. "Sorry," I say shyly.

She laughs, "You're just fine, dear. And I do think so."

After that she smiled and walked off to another room.


I thought about her words for a while. And now It's clicked.

"I remember Recovery Girl, we used to be friends in middle school," grandma says.

"How did I not know this, mom?"

"Grandma, you went to school with Recovery Girl!?" I asked.

"Chiyo was the kindest person you'd ever meet. How I missed her when she left. But I have no regrets and I'm sure she doesn't either," she smiles at me.

I can't believe my grandma was friends with Recovery Girl, and told no one! I wonder what happened or if anything happened. But that's a story for another day.


I'm so excited, I start UA today. It's a little nerve racking but I'm sure other kids feel the same right?

"I'm not going to listen to someone who needs to ware glasses to see two feet in front on him!"

A kid yells through the door. I hesitantly open the door, a blonde haired kid with fire red eyes is yelling at a taller kid with navy blue hair and dark denim eyes.

"How dare you act like a child on UA property! Get your feet off the desk!"

He chops his hand up and down as he speaks.

"Make me!" He yells as a small spark or explosion escapes the palm of his hand.

I try to ignore them, and take a seat in the back of the room. The blonde shifts his attention to the door at the green haired kid entered, the same one from the entrance exam.

I remember him absolutely destroying the giant robot with a single punch. The blonde seems to have beef with him cause he immediately starts to cuss out the nervous green haired kid.

"Stupid Deku?! The hell are you doing here!? You're useless!" He curses.

"Kacchan?!" He stutters, clearly nervous.

I almost left my seat to help but I saw something move in the corner of my eye.

"A yellow sleeping bag?" I whisper.

The yellow bag stands up and inside is...

"You guys are jokes. It took you three seconds to quiet down, that's not good enough," he says with a monotone voice.

"Buzz kill much?" I thought.

Everyone was seated and quiet as soon as he spoke. A girl with pink hair and skin with bright yellow eyes and horns sat on the right side of me, and a girl with dark purple hair, light skin and what look to be like earphone jacks hanging from her ears, sits on the left side of me.

"We're taking a test to see if you actually can be in this class," the teacher explains. "If you fail you're kicked out of my class and the school."

The class started to gasp and whisper. The navy haired boy stands up in his seat, looking like he's about to give a lecture.

"My sincere apologies sir, but you can't do that. We've already earned our place here," he says still doing the chopping hand motion.

"I can," he sighs. "Now get into the gym uniform and meet me in the west field."

He walked off and everyone started to walk to the changing rooms. The pink haired girl started to talk to me.

"I'm Mina Ashido, what's your name?" She asked.

"Hm? Oh! I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you, Mina," I smile.

"Can you believe his standards for us?!" She exclaimed. "Like it's ridiculous."

"He's just trying to make us good hero's..." I say quietly.

"Are you always this timid?"


"Leave her be Mina," the purple haired girl responded. "I'm Jirou."

Everyone introduced themselves and I became friends with most of them. There's Tsu, who has long medium green hair, big black eyes, and fair skin. Ochako, has short hazelnut colored hair, brown eyes, and light skin. And Momo, has snow like skin, and pitch black hair, with dark eyes. And Hagakure is invisible but she says she normally wears fun bright yet subtle clothes when out of school.

Once we all introduced ourselves we basically all became immediate friends. We entered the empty changing room quite and shy, and left loud and friendly.

When we got to the west field and none of the boys were there so we just sat and waited. We talked about which school we came from, what it was like there, and lots of other things.

After awhile the boys finally showed up at the field basically yelling and joking around. Aizawa did not seem happy...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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