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I turned our love into hate
Hoping that you'll fade
Turned our memories
Into our enemies.

Shared a room in my mind
Every night you were so kind
Telling me about everything you like
God, I could never find a lookalike.

But then you changed over night
And we picked up a fight
Things went bad not gonna lie
But still I wanted to try
I imagined you would as well
Because when I went trough hell
You were the one that held my hand
And made me understand
That we're together now
And it felt like a vow.

But you didn't mean it did you?
To walk away like you do
And I still think of you every time
Still got so many rhyme
That I write about our past
And how I wish our story had last.

Do you still think of me
As someone you wish to see?
Do you miss me too?
Do you hate the way I hate you?
Will you ever regret of pushing me away?
And finally ask me to stay?

I will never find someone like the old you
That version that loved me too
I'll miss what we had
How come love become something so bad?
How hard can it be?
For this love to set me free?

We'll probably never see each other again
This brings me so much pain
And the worst thing is
I know you're never going to miss
Talking to me until we fall asleep
And our conversations that were so deep
About love, dreams and fears
I used to take away your tears
And send you love declarations after midnight
While my smile used to shine so bright
I'll forever miss
The lips I never get to kiss.

Poemas, textos...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora