3. Max's past

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Max had always known that he wanted to serve his country. Growing up, he had seen firsthand the sacrifices that his father had made as a soldier, and he was determined to follow in his footsteps.

After graduating from college with a degree in criminal justice, Max had enlisted in the army. He spent years training and preparing for deployment, honing his skills in marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and other areas of military expertise.

He had always been a natural leader, and his outstanding performance as a soldier had earned him a series of promotions and commendations. He had served in several missions overseas, from Afghanistan to Iraq, and had never once wavered in his duty to protect his fellow soldiers and his country.

But it was his last deployment that would change everything.

Max had been assigned to lead a small team into a hostile area, tasked with gathering intel and neutralizing any threats. It was a routine mission, or so they thought.

But as they approached the target area, they were ambushed by enemy combatants, outnumbered and outgunned. Max's team fought valiantly, but they were soon overwhelmed, and Max found himself the only one left alive.

He was badly injured, but he refused to give up. He managed to call in reinforcements, and they were able to evacuate the area and get Max to safety.

After that mission, Max knew that he couldn't stay in the army. His injuries were too severe, and he needed time to heal and recover.

But even as he left the army, he knew that his duty to protect others would never end. He began working as a private security consultant, using his skills and expertise to help others stay safe in situations that were just as dangerous as his time in the army.

He was recruited by a private security firm that specialized in protecting high-profile individuals. They were looking for someone who was capable, efficient, and above all, loyal. Max fit the bill perfectly.

Two days ago

Max sat alone in his small apartment, staring at the TV without really watching. It was his night off, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was wasting his time. As a former Army, he was used to being constantly on the move, always training or preparing for the next mission. Now that he was out of the military, he felt lost and directionless.

He thought back to his time in the Army, remembering the long days spent in the sun, the endless miles hiked through rough terrain, and the adrenaline rush of a successful mission. It had been a hard life, but he had loved every minute of it.

He had joined the army shortly after finishing basic training, drawn to the combination of physical and mental challenges that the elite unit offered. He had thrived in the intense training environment, pushing himself harder than ever before.

His first deployment had been to Iraq, where he had been part of a small team tasked with hunting down high-value targets. The missions were dangerous and unpredictable, but Max loved the thrill of the chase. He quickly distinguished himself as a skilled sniper and a natural leader, and was soon given more responsibility within the unit.

As he watched the news on TV, Max was snapped back into the present by the sound of his phone ringing. He answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Max here."

"Max, it's John. I've got a job for you."

John was Max's former commanding officer, now head of a private security firm that specialized in protecting high-profile clients. Max had gone to work for him shortly after leaving the military, eager to put his skills to use in a new way.

"What kind of job?" Max asked, suddenly alert.

"The King of Monaco needs a protectoon for his son. They think that somethong is going to happen at the nect funvtion. I can't think of anyone better for the job than you."

Max thought for a second, considering his options. He wasn't thrilled about the idea of going back to work so soon after leaving his last assignment, but the idea of a new challenge was appealing.

"I'm in," he said finally. "When does it start?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'll send you all the details."

As he hung up the phone, Max felt a sudden surge of excitement. Maybe this was exactly what he needed to shake himself out of his post-Army funk. He grabbed his bag and began packing, mentally steeling himself for the new mission ahead.

And so, Max became a bodyguard, using his years of experience in the army to protect his clients from threats both seen and unseen. He knew that he had finally found his true calling, and he was proud to serve those who needed him the most.

He felt a sense of pride and purpose that he had never felt before, knowing that he was making a difference in the world. And as he got ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that he was ready for whatever came his way.

A/N: What a chaos at the dutch gp. But Max won again.🇳🇱🇳🇱

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