Chapter 7

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With only four days left until the comeback concert, the boys were juggling their dance classes while focusing on perfecting their voices and workouts to ensure a flawless stage performance.

Today, the decision was made to start practice later than usual due to their packed schedules.

As I set up the practice area, I greeted Felix with a warm smile, "Hey Felix! How's it going?"

He jumped right in, lending a helping hand as we arranged the mats for the upcoming warm-up exercises.

Arching an amused eyebrow, Felix quipped, "You're always here so early, aren't you?"

I responded with a playful grin, "Well, it's part of my  job. But what's your excuse for showing up early today?"

With his assistance, preparation was swift. Felix pushed his blue hair back with his hairband  "Actually, I wanted to talk to you." I locked eyes with him, eager to hear more.

He mustered a shy smile, his lips curling upwards as he grappled for the right words, "I've been thinking... about us, I mean, you and me—" he began, biting his lip in contemplation.

Before Felix could unveil his thoughts, the practice room door dramatically swung open, and in walked Han and Hyunjin, each brandishing a pack of  iced Americano.

they playfully serenaded the room with spirited chants of "Americano! Joha joha!" I couldn't help but conceal my laughter at their infectious enthusiasm.

Bounding towards the table where they had deposited the drinks, I teased, "I hope there's one for me as well." I chuckled, secretly grateful for their ability to brighten any moment.

"How could we forget our BELOVED teacher?" Han's deep growl was met with the delightful sound of sipping as he relished the coffees flavor.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. Suspicion painted my expression as I questioned them, "What's the catch?"

Their sudden and exaggerated friendliness seemed too out of character to be without a motive.

Leaning provocatively against the table, Han retorted with a wink, "Why can't I do a good deed for you?"

I mustered an eye-roll, acknowledging the gesture while maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism.

Felix, however, seemed somewhat disappointed, a detail I missed in the moment.

He had mustered the courage to share something with me, only for the opportunity to slip away. "Next time," he whispered to himself, clapping his hands and joining our group on the bench.

As we all settled down, including me, Bangchan addressed the team with a serious tone. "Okay, everyone, there are four days left, and we're almost done with the dance routine." His gaze shifted to me, a moment of seriousness shared between us.

"There are a few dance details we need to address," Bangchan continued, choosing his words with care.

"As you know, we have our trio of 3RACHA members. Changbin, Han, and I handle the music production." He paused, allowing the implications to sink in.

"Yes?" I prompted, curious about the direction of his conversation.

He nodded, his eyes probing "There's also a Danceracha group in our lineup responsible for choreography," he explained, watching me closely. "And they're looking to make some changes to the dance."

A wave of realization swept over me.

The boys exchanged intrigued glances, and I spoke up, my tone tinged with a mix of disappointment and amusement, "I knew it."

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