Chapter 9

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The vocabulary might be to much💀

Gonna change it tomorrow

The following morning, I awoke to the throes of the worst headache I had ever experienced. My stomach churned in protest, threatening to unleash another wave of nausea.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I attempted to rise from the bed, my intention to get some water for my parched mouth. Yet, my body betrayed me, and I tumbled clumsily off the bed.

The cold tiles met my sprawled form, leaving me a helpless mess of sobs and complaints.

My weakness was undeniable, a stark reminder of the excessive drinking from the previous night.

Slowly, my eyes fluttered open as I began to revisit the events of the day before, a heavy weight settling in my chest as the memory of Hyunjin's face replayed in my mind.

The realization that I had ruined his first date and uttered hurtful words due to my misunderstanding about his girlfriend—rather, his sister—weighed heavily on my conscience.

"I've never had a girlfriend before, and you were my first real date. I'm sorry," his words reverberated through my mind, playing on a loop. But what had happened after that?

The memories were hazy, fragmented, with only the name "Jimmy" clinging to my thoughts like an elusive shadow.
Who was this mysterious Jimmy?

As I lay lost in my thoughts, my eyes caught the sight of the clock, and a gasp escaped me.

It was already noon, and panic surged through me.

My oversleeping wasn't just a mild delay; I was catastrophically late for work! With a hasty scramble, I made my way to the bathroom, skipping everything but the most basic tasks.
There was no time for a proper shower or makeup.

Arriving at JYP Entertainment, my heart raced as I entered the elevator, my feet tapping nervously.

Being four hours behind schedule had my anxiety skyrocketing. A well-dressed man, radiating both maturity and youthful energy, stepped into the elevator alongside me.

His aura was one of authority, someone holding a significant position within the company.
Observing my hurried state, he addressed me politely, "Rough night?"

Surprised by his interaction, I looked at him, taken aback. "I barely remember," I confessed, the desperation in my voice evident.

His laughter met my response, his eyes holding a knowing twinkle. "That's the spirit of youth," he quipped with a kind smile.

The elevator reached our floor, and we exited, walking in the same direction.

His inquisitive question followed me, his tone gentle. "Are you a part of this company?"
Before I could respond, the door to the Stray Kids' dance practice room swung open, revealing the familiar interior.

The suddenness of the situation momentarily stole my words, and we entered the room.

The abrupt halt in the music and the collective gaze of eight pairs of eyes on us plunged the room into silence.

Within the stillness, Seungmin's chuckle broke the tension. "JYP and Y/N – now that's an interesting pairing," he commented, his tone a blend of playful teasing and welcoming camaraderie.

Realization dawned upon me regarding the man beside me, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

I momentarily wished to be anywhere but there, caught in this awkward situation. I felt like an unearthed vampire, late for work and now face-to-face with none other than my boss.

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