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Mila rolled her eyes as Alexander sat down across from her, smugly looking at her. His smolder mocked her, his eyes searching her as if she was a cornered animal.

"Ты не собираешься на суд? Так сильно же ждала?" ( "You're not going to trial? You were looking forward to it so much?")

"Иди на х*й," шипела она. "Как ты узнал? Кто сказал тебе, кто мой адвокат?" ("Fuck you," she hissed, "how did you? Who told you who my lawyer was?")

Он нахмурился. "Мила, мы же говорили, как ты не поднимаешь голос со мной." (He frowned, "Mila, we talked about how you don't raise your voice with me.")

Глаза Милы вспыхнули. "Ты везунчик, что я не разбиваю тебе лицо." (Milas eyes flared, "you're lucky I don't break your face in.")

Он посмотрел на неё, развлечённый. (He looked at her, entertained.)

"If you think you can do it, try it my Mila." He teased.

Alexander's bright smile and vibrant eyes locked with her.

"Fuck you." She hissed.

"My darling, you will. I've actually grown a little impatient, we can do that right now yes?"

"No," she said sternly

Alexander ignored her as he reached at her, grabbing her waist with his hand, holding her in front of him.

"Let go."

"If you want to be difficult, then I have no issue." He huffed. "You're going to make this much more complicated than it needs to be."

"Let go of me." She hissed.

Alexander ignored her again, pulling her up onto their bed, making her still. Mila fought against him.

"Mila love, relax and allow me to make love to you." He whispered.

She grimaced "You're such a pain."

Alexander frowned "I am only taking what you owe. I protect you from the men here, you're mine my Mila."

"Protect me? You're the one I need protecting from."

"If I wasn't here, they'd be passing you around." He hissed "be grateful."

"I protect myself."

"If I didn't keep you with me, they'd have you going back and forth. Be thankful it's only me and I didn't do what they want to," he reminds her.

He kissed her, making her pull away.

"Mila..." he warned.

"Stop it."

"Mila, don't you want me? Why are you acting like you haven't been watching me when I lay next to you?"

"I barely know you,"

"We have our whole lives to know about each other."

"You don't even love me."

He shrugged "Love is a very new thing. You know, women before would just be in your village and you pay their father the money and she's now wife. I technically paid Mila, I met your brother, Hermes yes?"

Milas blood ran cold. Her own brother?

"Hermes? He knows I'm in Russia?"

Alexander nodded " I told him I'd take care of you and he took the dowry. I couldn't find your dad, so I went to the next in line."

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