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Mila stood transfixed, her gaze locked onto the rain cascading down the limousine's sleek exterior, meticulously surveying the desolate streets of Moscow. Each droplet etched a transient, shimmering pattern against the windowpane.

In stark contrast, Alexander engaged in a phone conversation with unabashed loudness, his voice a brash interruption to the tranquil rhythm of the rain. Curiously, Mila welcomed the intrusion, finding solace in its distraction.

Silently, she delved into contemplation, her thoughts tracing the enigmatic figures within Alexander's clandestine network who had orchestrated their rapid escape. Above all, she pondered the profound motivation that had driven him to undertake such elaborate measures on her behalf.

With a furrowed brow, she subjected Alexander's expression to intense scrutiny. In response, he wielded a sly, flirtatious smile, a subtle indication of his intent to conclude the call shortly.

"Подготовьте шато," was declared in Russian, his voice carrying an air of authority, "она приезжает, и всё должно быть идеально." ("Prepare the chateau; she's on her way, and everything must be perfect.")

As the call drew to a close, Alexander redirected his attention toward his newlywed wife. Mila, still bewildered by the situation, questioned the source of his apparent excitement.

"По крайней мере, можешь сказать спасибо," he reprimanded in Russian. (English: "At the very least, you could say thank you.")

"За что?" (English: "Thank you for what?") she retorted.

"Залог не был дешёвым," he scolded in Russian. "Я ожидаю, что каждый цент будет выплачен." (English: "Paying your bail wasn't cheap. I expect every cent of that to be paid back.")

"Как я должна его вернуть? У меня нет здесь работы." (English: "How will I pay it? I don't have a job here."), Mila questioned.

"Мы договоримся позже." (English: "We'll make an agreement later."), he decided.

Opal, growing weary of the exchange, rolled her eyes and attempted to settle into a more comfortable position, hoping to drift off to sleep. Her respite, however, was short-lived as the limousine came to an abrupt stop.

"Мы приехали," was announced in Russian, his voice carrying an air of authority. (English: "We've arrived.")

Gently, Opal's head was raised with one hand and she was guided to his side. Mila frowned and withdrew, only to be pulled back with force.

"Ты так не делаешь." (English: "You don't do that."), he hissed.

Mila sighed in resignation and allowed him to pull her back into place. He smiled before having her don a thick, heavy mink coat from the seat, meticulously zipping it up.

"Ты выглядишь теперь превосходно." (English: "You look perfect now."), was declared before escorting her out of the vehicle.

The men surrounding the limousine loomed tall and imposing, their gaunt faces exuding a menacing aura, as if issuing a silent warning to Mila.

Nails dug into her skin as her hand was held tighter, a palpable sign of insecurity in the presence of other men.

"На сколько ты важен?" (English: "How important are you?")

"Какой это вопрос, моя любовь? Разве я не говорил тебе не разговаривать?" (English: "What kind of question is that, my love? Didn't I tell you not to speak before?")

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